Okay folks, here goes, I made it, I'm big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have actually had a paragraph written about me too big to fit on my monitor.
And there are more grammatical mistakes than a  1st grader...someone needs to learn how to spell!!!
Check this out, this is the best he could say about me in more lines than I care to count!!!!
Since I am a gentleman (yeah right) I will let him tell his side of the arguement first.
Here goes:

Update on the feud between "baby ate my balls" and several sites including mine. I have included his link on this page for now because the site operator likes to whine a lot about my site and Baby Avenue. I have to admit that it is very funny watching him (Patrick) "come undone". The vulgarities and obscenities that spew from him mouth via his page and e-mail to other site operators and me are shocking. I believe in free speech but also believe that some common sense is in order. I am sure that he is capable of putting together a site that contains much more the negative statements and links to files. He also tries to belittle our videos saying, "YOUR files aren't even that great. They are just the same baby super imposed on a different background with different music". I don't see him making any videos that are entertaining as a matter of fact I don't believe he has made any at all LOL. Before this feud starting he said that my "Dancing Baby Movie" was a great video and a must for any serious baby enthusiast. This kid (Patrick) doesn't seem to have a problem with linking files. He has an illusion that it has something to do with giving us great for our videos. That is just not the case. Neither this site nor Baby Avenue have ever asked or told someone they had to give us credit for "hosting" videos that we made. I want people to see the videos or I wouldn't make them. We don't own the baby or the videos that we make. We expect that they will get passed around whether it be other sites hosting them, e-mail, ICQ or any other form of file transference. We do however have control of the files when they are on our provided web space whether it be paid space or provided free. I emphasize this point because it is so easy to link files and causes so many problems for the site hosting the file. There is an increased strain on the servers because of the extra traffic. Now mind you this doesn't bother me because my space if all free but some people pay for their web space and some have to pay for the amount of downloading that occurs whether it be from their page or from links. This does however bother many of you because the download time can be slowed and at time the servers become busy and you can't download the file. The other problem is that most site that just link files don't verify the links each day. They depend on people to tell them the link is "dead". Most people don't bother to e-mail so the "dead" link can remain for weeks at a time. Case in point, go to his site and try to download "Physical Baby" (Baby Avenues work). The link is still dead and has been for 10 days. He (Patrick) has updated his site many times since then (only to bash us not to doing any productive) and hasn't noticed. You won't ever find a file on my page, Baby Avenue or the other four sites on my main page with dead links. You may get an error because the server is busy or having problems but not because the file doesn't exist anymore. On good thing has come out of all of this and that is that myself and several other site owners are working together to provide everyone the best sites out there. We hope to have all the sites on the net that either makes their own videos or host older videos organized. If you go to any of these pages and try to download any of the files, you will be assured that the file is there and not a "dead" links. Plus you can go to any of the page and will a single click find out every site that has been updated. This will save you the visitor some time and increase you "Dancing Baby" experience.

He then had some other things to say:

the baby ate my balls - (07/07/98) -  Go here is you want to read the bashing directed towards my site and "Baby Avenue".  If you want to see that baby though you might want to visit some of the other sites listed because this is a lame page and appears to be nothing more than linked files.

Okay, my turn:

    I have recieved Email from several people telling me what they think of this guy...I can't say I don't disagree:

he's such a fucking little prick on his high chair

Oh no, more vulgarities!  Whatever shall we do?!?!?  He claims I whine about his site and other's sites.  Okay, once again he goes into his arrogent mode and thinks of himself as the better man.  I didn't whine about your site moron, I whined about YOUR whinning.  "It's funny watching him come 'undone'."   Excuse me?  You're the one that's come "undone" about me linking to some of your files.  I would have changed the links without a complaint, had I known what was going on, but when I come home after working four straight days from 9:00 am to 2:00 am (no joke) he had gotten all his little buddies to Email me and threaten me.   That's what pissed me off in the first place.  Then, his continued arrogance about his babies just plain annoyed me.  I'm not mad at all anymore, because I have succeeded in becoming the bane of this man's baby page.  His poor writing does nothing but whine about what he can find to make me look immature and copy-catish.   What he does not seem to see is that my site doesn't even concentrate on the downloads, that's not what I find important about it.  My page is to piss big-headed assholes like him off, and make the rest laugh.  He claims my site is "lame!"  What a "lame" cheap shot.  If he really wants to get down to it, my page is much better organized and offers more than just the dancing baby.  But, I'm not going to stoop to his level and try to bash his site making skills, because that's not what this arguement's about.  This arguement's about clashing tastes.  He seems to have such a problem with me linking, but when his friends do it, it's okay.  And this whole Baby Avenue matter.  What pissed me off was that the Baby Avenue web master showed no politeness in asking me to remove his links.  He instead trashed my tastes in humor, calling "Ate My Balls" filth.  For now, the internet is a free speech arena and I can say what I want, and if he, or anybody else finds the content on my site or any other site offensive, they doesn't need to visit it.  He showed his ignorance in trying to trash my site.   I never trashed these guys sites, only their attitudes. 
    He claims I do nothing productive.  Obviously he has not seen my newest update to the comic, the focal point of my site.  Each frame was made by me from scratch using photoshop.  I have worked hard on my page, just like he has on his movies, and I tried to say something nice by commenting how his movie was entertaining (which it was), but have heard nothing positive from him at all on the quality of my comic, and how hard I worked on it.  He acts like I am trying to look like I worked hard on the downloads.  I claim not to do that, but to let people download from my site as well as his.  And as for his comment on how I have not made any babies myself, the truth is, there is a baby in work called...you guessed it, the Dancing Baby Ate My Balls.  He is welcome to link to it all he wants.  Okay, I've almost written a paragraph as big as his, so I'm going to stop now, I just think his one-sided arguement on his page should be shown in it's entirety.  I'm sure this fued will eventually die down and fizzle, but so far it's been great to know I got someone that thinks he is so high and mighty "undone!"  Thank you, and good night.

-Patrick Palmer

P.S. Watch your balls, it's a harsh world out there!