--==Statement of Intent==--
Okay, this is it, this is for all of you
humor-deficient, over-sensative BABIES out there. I've gotten lots of mail from
people that are offended by what's on my site and think I should take it off the internet!
Whoa, who made these guys so special? Most of it's from over zealous fans of
the Dancing Baby. They e-mail me saying, "oh your site is just filth, I can't
believe it's on the net!" Excuse me? Filth? There's a certain
download I think all of you should see. It's one of a Drunk Baby peeing all over itself
with a bottle of booze in one hand and a cigarette in it's mouth! He's standing
there naked! Hello? Are you guys paying attention? This is the sort of
hipocritical crap I should expect from people like you, but it still amazes me just how
mad you guys can get! Has this country lost all of it's humor? We've become a
jaded, politically correct nation. And yes, that's an oxymoron! I'm tired of
being P.C.! Is it so bad to spoof something so seemingly innocent? I don't
think so! Nothing's innocent anymore, and the hipocritical nonsense being mailed to
me is so ignorant, I wonder how you guys figured out how to get on the internet. My
site is all about Downloading the Dancing Baby, and then laughing at him. You act
like he's real. Oh no, maybe I'll hurt his feelings! Good, great, that's just
what I wanted, and for all the jackasses that became so mad at my site...my job is done.
You reacted perfectly. Thank you, and good night.
-Patrick Palmer
P.S. I have never, ever tried to take credit for anyone's files, I have
only linked to them so that people can download them and enjoy themselves. So all of
you credit hogging morons out there, get a life! YOUR files aren't even that great.
They are just the same baby super imposed on a different background with different