--Liberate The Dancing Baby--

babycry.gif (7615 bytes)

    Help!!  The Dancing Baby is being oppressed!!   A certain Web Master from a certain Baby Headquarters has attacked this here baby page.  He claims I used his links and then when asked to remove the links to his files I did, but not the ones he listed that are on other servers.  I have been away for 4 days, and have not been able to update my site.  All I know is I got online and my friend from ICQ freaked and told me to check my page.  Last time I had checked my counter was on about 244, when I checked it 4 days later it was at 7562!!!   Much to my suprise.  Also my Email was full and he had sent me several letters whining and threatening me.  Telling me how he was going to put a letter on his site trashing me...

"If you do not remove the files in addition to e-
mailing geocities, I will post your e-mail on my main page and encourage
people to e-mail you and ask that you stop."

Of course, he never did, he just tried to play it off.  This is what he put instead:
babyshot1.gif (10679 bytes)

I think someone needs to go back to 1st grade and learn to spell   


...He then told me he was going to change his files so that I would have to change my links.  Darn!  Instead I plan to just cross em out, he's not really hurting me, only you.  He is now trying to get all his little buddies to change their files around.  What's with this guy, I never tried to take credit for his work!  He then tried to rip "Ate My Balls.":

"I find it offensive that you have choosen to associate the
Dancing Baby with "ate my balls."

    What, is there something wrong with "Ate My Balls"?  Is your precious baby so great that no one can spoof him?  He then got his friends to help him, I am now being cut-off from Baby Avenue also.  Do these guys not have a life?  Baby Avenue hated my site, this is what he had to say about me:

   "I find your web ring offensive and not suitable for children or the viewer's
who enjoy my videos and wouldn't want them to accidentally stumble onto your
filth looking for my files."

    ...my filth eh?  I'm proud to be an owner of filth more creative than your crap.  These guys have no life, spending all their time making babies that are much lower quality than the originals.  All they do is change the music and the backgrounds.  Are these guys so arrogant they think the baby world revolves around them?  What losers. 

    I recently visited the Baby Head Quarters site and noticed his CD offer.  Unlike me, who gives you these babies for free, he is making you pay him cash, and then wait to get the babies.  Is this right?  I know not whether he has permission from Kinetix to make money off these babies, but I know it's not right.  He just doesn't want competition.  What's wrong with this picture?   Have we degraded to the point of trying to make money off anything?!?!  This guy is wrong, and he needs to quit trying to take advantage of the Dancing Baby!   Unfortunately, there is not much I can do, all I can say is you guys can eat my Balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            -Patrick Palmer

P.S. Thanks for the extra hits on my counter guys
