
anuke9123.gif (4175 bytes) 7/28/98 -- Whew, okay, I'm back to update, this one is gonna be long because there have been a lot of changes and happenings here at Baby Balls Productions.  One of them, as you could tell from the main page, was the recent visit of Ron Lussier, and my mental stupidity of erasing all of my signings!  I have really pissed the GuestBook Gods off somehow.  I went to change that annoying midi so many of you were complaining about and I forgot to download all the recent signings.  I then uploaded an empty GuestBook.  Anyway, I wrote ron an Email inviting him back, and I hope he will return, until then we'll wait.  At least he said he liked the site.  That's some good news.  I am knee deep in the latest episode of the comic and it's coming along slowly but surely.  It's gonna be an animated comic this time.   I have already previewed it so far and it promises to pass the first two.  I am also getting ready to finally start work on the much awaited movie, I have just been famalierizing myself with the software.  Poopdaddy and myself have been working on a new page, entitled, "The Backstreet Boys Ate My Balls"  The page is days away from coming up, we just have some fine tuning to do to it.  As you can see, the layout of the page has changed a bit, it's gonna continue changing for a while.   That's about all of the good news I have so far, so stay tuned.

anuke9123.gif (4175 bytes)  7/21/98 -- Man, it's been a long time since I updated the page, got preoccupied with something else.  As you can see, July's winner of the contest is posted, we had lots of entries, but his was the written best.   There are going to be a lot of changes, they are coming slowly, a newsletter for this page is in the works.  That's just about it, stay tuned.

anuke9123.gif (4175 bytes)  7/11/98 -- Okay, the baby downloads worth anything are filtered through.  Next task is to fix any dead links.  I also posted the jokes, but some of them are pretty gross.  Some of them are pretty funny, too.   I'm gonna have a form soon, where you can vote on whether they are suitable for the page or not.  I just have to get around to it.  

anuke9123.gif (4175 bytes) 7/ 10/ 98  --  Alright, this is it!  My first update!  I don't really have anything new to tell you though, except that the fued between the Dancing Baby Headquarters and I has become a ceasefire, and we are static at the moment.  I am at work on the Dancing Baby Ate My Balls movie!  I have decided the song to be played and it is no other than "Big Balls" by AC/DC.   I'm going to add updates to this page as soon as possible, so please return here everytime you visit the page.  I will tell you of upcoming contests and events, the release of the movie, and about the next episode of my epic comic. As for my download list, I plan to sort though the files and remove all of the crap and add descriptions and zipped files to all the rest.  So, if you see a dead link, chill out and I will be getting to it, I just have so much on my hands.  Stay Tuned.
