Hello  I  Am  Jack  Dawson  Cauldwell of  Paris  Arkansas.  I attend Subiaco Academy and I will be a junior this upcoming  school  year.  I  play  basketball  and  I  am  a member  of  the  NHS.  Subiaco and  Paris  are  quaint  towns in  Arkansas. There  is  a  great scenic  country  side  in  this location  at  the  base  of  Mt. Magazine. I am currently looking  for  a  part  time  job for  the  summer. I am 5'7", have red hair, blue eyes, and wear contacts as you can see. If you would like  to  contact  me  you  can email me or message  me on aim: livetowin222


To Contact Me:

Email: livetowin22@icqmail.com
aim: livetowin222

P.O. Box 308
Paris, AR 72855