11/22: Damn...haven't been workin on this shit for a while, however i'll get some new shit up but since it's thanksgiving n shit i'm hittin outta my 4 ft (some GBs as well) ready to lunch out on some fuckin TURKEY. Also if any of you know where i can get bongs, pipes n all that kind of shit wholesale email me. Peace out yall
1/22: Alright yo i fuckin made instructions to make a ghetto Gravity Bong, if you havent smoked out of a gravity bong before i guarentee that you will fuckin blow your mind away with this shit.
1/20/2001: Goddamn its fuckin january already? I havent done shit for this site for a long fuckin time, you know how it is when you smoke alot of bud and you dont got time to do other shit so im gonna try to do some more shit on this motherfucker soon.
9/24: I have eaten weed brownies before but i have never gotten the chance to make my own so on tuesday i made a batch of warm tastey marijuana brownies and i decided i wanted to put the recipe on my site. Special Brownies or weed brownies are preety easy to make and the high is long and hard. Well worth it to take a look at that section.
9/23: I added a new section called Drug Dealing. This shit can show you how to prevent getting jipped and how to become a good drug dealer.
9/21: Shit im fucked up, while i was stoned yesterday i was too fuckin lazy to type any shit so i made this shit cuz i smoked some shit that makes you go fuckin insane with rage so i took it against the pigs.
FUCK THE PIGS! Thats one less pig and one less custermer at fuckin dunkin' donuts.
8/24: Summers almost over so get some erb and toke up before its over. I added a new section to this site called Avoid The Pen. Its tips and advice to avoid getting in shit with the cops. Enjoy.
7/25: alright im preety fucked up right now and i got a drug test in 3 days so im gonna smoke a lot of shit and just take quick caps so i pass.I also updated this bitch and added a new homemade bong instruction. This one's called the water cooler bubbler and i did it a long while ago and i think i got really fucked up i dont remember.
7/23: shit man i havent updated shit for 4 months i forget why but i think its cuz ive been stoned for a while, i'll probally do somthing with this next week
4/13: It's this time of year again, i mean it's growing season and if you want to grow sum good shit then find some seeds and follow my GROWING INSTRUCTIONS. The best day to start growing is 4/20 because you get fucked up after you plant.
1/19: Remember that news channel I told you about last month, well they really mean it. I thought it was bullshit but the investagation they made on the possesion and distrubution of marijuana in D.C convinced the mayor, city council, and chief of police that there should be toughter laws, but now the district passed a bill that makes the laws even tougher. Damn Nation.
1/2 2000!: Well the year 2000 is here and that Y2K computer shit is bullshit, nothing happened. I stocked on bacic needs like food drink weed cigarettes etc. in case some funny shit was going to happen, but there was nothing going on the streets of D.C, pigs were everywhere with road blocks but no shit happened. I was fucked up at the time so I was preety relaxed, and if you did'nt smoke up on the stroke of midnight you missed somthing that happens once in a fucking lifetime. Sorry I did'nt update the site yesterday, I was so hungover on champagne and bud. Now I got 4 extra cartons of Newports that I have to smoke.
12/8: Bad news for us in D.C, a news channel made an investigation on the distrubution of street marijuana in our nation's capitol. The result of this investigation is that the mayor, city council, and cheif of police are concidering tougher laws on distrubution and possesion of marijuana.
12/7: I've finally finished the How to roll a Joint part of my site, now it has pictures, real photos not drawings. The photos suck but it was better than my fucked up drawings in the past.
(click on the weed to learn how to roll.)
12/3: çHrøNì© WÉÊÐ is back man! When my site got shut down before I got really pissed and quit it. It's back now and I'm trying to find the existing information and rebuilding the shit I lost.
Alright everyone I made this site 2 years ago and it got shut down by an internet company that shall be remained nameless on 5/9/1998. I quote "User ****** your web site will be termainated in 72 hours due to the inapropiate content which you have displayed using our ******** web page software. If you would like to save all the content to your computer you have 72 hours to do so before we termainate your account."- Email document recieved from ******** internet company on 5/6/1998. I got really fuckin pissed and decied to quit building this site, then i got stoned one day and started working on it for some reason. Now its back and better than ever. This site isnt only about marijuana theres a hidden message:FUCK INTERNET CENSORSHIP!
This site isnt protected from any of that cyber nanny shit.