Min-Yen Kan

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This is Min-Yen Kan's travellogue for Summer 1999.

My sketch of the Louvre

I visited Europe for the first time and took pictures and did some sketches. You can find most of them here. Some of my mass emails about Europe are also archived here for your personal use.

To view the pictures, maps and sketches, you can start by clicking right here. Or you can use the light blue navigation bar in the upper right corner of every page to help you quickly get to the new material or a specific thing.



You can also take a look at my other home pages.

If you want to leave something for others to see you can sign the guestbook, courtesty geocities.com's own software. Of course, you can also view the guestbook. If it's not for sharing, you can email your comments to me instead. I'm happy to get feedback.

Thanks to Hongsing Wong for finding the problem with my script to generate these pages.

knmnyn@hotmail.com | All pictures and text are © copyrighted 1996-1999 by Min-Yen Kan | Generated on: Tue Jul 27 20:08:12 1999