 To our very first school website.

Inside you will find information on our school, important dates, and other important items regarding Olympic View Elementary.



About Our School

Olympic View Elementary, nestled in a beautiful wooded setting, currently serves 616 students in preschool through grade six. Our school reflects the strong sense of community prevalent in our surrounding neighborhoods. Day or evening, come witness parent volunteers in action, multi-disciplinary teams assessing student needs, teachers planning together, shared decision making, and students learning and contributing through meaningful work.

Within this busy environment, there is very intentional teaching and learning. We have a rigorous math curriculum well in place and FOSS Science kits that allow students to truly experience science. Additionally, our school promotes literacy through a strong beginning reading curriculum. The “Accelerated Reader” program is also used and motivates students to improve reading comprehension, especially at the intermediate levels. A detailed Accountability Plan Promoting Learning for Everyone, or "A.P.P.L.E." Plan, keeps us focused on continuous improvement in these areas.

This web site is maintained by the THS web team, under advisement of Brad Hooper. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email us, THS web team.
Last Updated May 10, 2000 Special thanks to Joshua Gorczyca for all his help and hard work in the creation of this web site.