These are the world rules for Naztuil.
Specific to this campaign
Creating a CharacterStarting Ability ScoresNow, I KNOW all of you
will be honest, but I can't be totally sure about it (I'm sorry,
but this is the ONLY way to be completely sure) so you have 80
points to distribute among your stats. Yes, 18 to 19 is ONE
point, I know some DM's might not do it this way, but I think
that should be good. Regular Rules
PC RacesALL races are allowed, including ones mentioned ONLY in the Complete Handbooks. If other PCs have things against a chosen race, then it is up to the players to work conflicts out. ClassesAll classes are allowed. Multi-classed CharactersTo advance a level if you're a split-class, you add the two EXP for both classes and that is the EXP number needed for next level. Also, level limits for non-human characters are not used. KitsYou can use kits, but ok them with me FIRST! Character AgeI don't use age, it's just useless to keep track. You pick the age you start at, and unless you go through some sort of door of aging(yes, I've encountered those before...), or your a Chaos Lord or get hit with a staff of withering. Weapon SkillsFighter-1 slot for profiency. 2 for specialization, 3 for mastery, 4 for high mastery, and 5 for grand mastery. For rangers, paladins, and multi-classed fighters the above costs are one higher for specialization and masteries. ProficienciesWe will be using the Players Handbook proficincies.Nothing from the Skills and Powers book is used except for some of the weapon specialization rules. Weapon Non-Weapon -------- ------------ Warrior: 8 , 6 Wizard: 3 , 8 Priest: 4 , 8 Rogue: 4 , 6 Language Proficiency SlotsAll your languages CAN be used as proficiencies, that is 2 for an extra weapon, one for non-weapon. Proficiencies don't disappear at level up (I always did hate that). Starting FundsYou start out with max gold for your character. You start out with needed things, i.e. weapon, clothes, armor (up to chain), food enough for a month, etc ... my reasoning?? You're going adventuring, you'll probably be preparing for this for a LONG time. EncumbranceYou may all start out with a 100lb bag of holding, and after that, yes, encumbrance does matter. I don't want someone walking around with their own little armory on their back. Critical HitsI work critical hits a bit strangely. What you do is if you roll a crit hit, you roll again; if you hit, then the multiplier is one. Hit again, its *2. The tricky thing is, each time you hit, you THAC0 goes up one each time you roll. For example, a 4th level fighter has a THAC0 of 16. He rolls a 20. rolls again, the creature has an AC of 10, which means he now needs an 11 to hit, he rolls a 15, multiply the damage by 1 now. This time he needs a 12 to hit the thing, and he hits. Now he needs a 13, he misses, which means the total multiplier is two. My father works his crit. system this way. I've gotten as much as a *20 before, at which point he said "Damnit! the things dead already!" *LOL* Last thing on the Crit subject, a 1 means you are disarmed, and your weapon clinks harmlessly to the ground. Saving ThrowsThese are normal, except for with a 20, you negate the damage(or take none, for those of you who don't understand such big words!), and for a 1, you get hit with max possible damage(guess ya jumped into it, didn't ya?) Hit PointsYou always get the fighter bonus for con (whether you are a fighter or not). Player characters get max hit points at first through fourth levels. For multi-classed characters, hit dice are cumulative, Ie, for a fighter/mage/ranger, you would get a D10, and a D4, because ranger is just a sub-figher class. For a fighter/mage/theif, you would get a D10, a D4 and a D6. If in doubt, E-mail me to ask! Naztuil's World Rules are © copyright 1999 by JM "Raven SeR-Rath Strife" (all rights reserved) |