Mixed Martial Arts Seminar Tape
By Vincent Fields

Click here for detailed reviews!

Click here for free notes that go right along with the tape!

Areas covered:

-  Dynamic striking, takedowns, defenses, and fight strategies in the Clinches.
-  Extensive Groundfighting to include;
Strikes, positions, transitions, and of course-
Many great submissions, their defenses, and their counters.
-  Drills, theories, and strategies for all ranges of fighting.
Techniques come from Russian Sambo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu,
Muay Thai Kickboxing, American Catchwrestling, and of course Vince's own twist on things.

There are over 75 techniques and the tape is about 2 hours long.
The cost is $40 (+ $3 S&H or $5 S&H internationally),
which is what it cost to attend the seminar.
Since it's so cheap all that I ask is that you don't make copies of the tape but instead have anyone that wants a copy e-mail me for it.
To order with paypal click on the banner below, or e-mail me and I'll tell you where to send your check or money order.
I guarantee you will learn some new techniques  that you'll love;

Click the banner below to buy this tape now with your credit card or checking account
A quick note about Paypal:
Paypal is a free, safe, convenient way to send money
over the internet with your credit card or checking account.
I've been using it for years and it's great. 
By using paypal, regular mail and waiting for checks to arrive and clear is eliminated.
Leglock Seminar Tape
By Vincent Fields

Click here for detailed reviews!!

Click here for the free notes that go right along with the tape!

I g
ave a leglock seminar to a BJJ school on 2/4/01. 
There are over 100 techniques and the tape is just under 2 hours long.
The cost is $40 (+ $3 S&H in the US or $5 internationally),
which is what it cost to attend the seminar.
Since it's so cheap (under 40 cents per technique)
all that I ask is that you don't make copies of the tape but instead have anyone that wants a copy
e-mail me for it.
It was recorded on digital video so the tape quality is very good.
To order click on the banner below to use paypal, or e-mail me and I'll tell you where to send your check or money order.
I guarantee you will learn some new leglocks that you'll love;

Click the banner below to buy this tape now with your credit card or checking account.
When we get any other good deals they will be offered here. 
In the past we've sold Double Weave Judo GI's,
Sambo uniforms (kirtki) and Sambo Shoes (Sambofki).

If you have or know of a good deal the students of the SIUMAC would be interested in,
E-mail Vince and let him know.
SIU Martial Arts Club Shirts
New** Grey shirts in all styles! (We still have black as well)
We have long sleeve, short sleeve, and tank top shirts.
They are 50% cotton and 50% polly, so they don't shrink much.
They have a 3 color design (Red, Gold, and white) on the back that says
"SIU Martial Arts Club" around the top of a yin yang and
"No egos, attitudes, or politics" around the bottom with
"Jeet Kune Do, Brazilian Jiu- Jitsu, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Sambo, Judo, Kali"
written in the middle.  On the front left breast pocket "SIU Martial Arts Club" is written in white over a red and gold yin yang.  On the long sleeve shirts "SIU Martial Arts Club" is written down the left sleeve.
They are very high quality and should last for years.  Our club makes $5. for each shirt sold.  The prices are as follows;
Long Sleeve- $25. each
Short Sleeve and Tank Top- $20. each

Shirt are usually bought in person at the club.  If your not local, e-mail
Vince to buy one.

Click here to see a picture of one of our shirts.

Double weave Judo GI's for the best prices I've seen.  I've got one of these and it is super thick and very high quality, for a fraction of the price of name brand ones.
Feel free e-mail me with any questions or comments at