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New Stuff

Ski Racing News Updated



Welcome to the new and freshly renovated Water Ski Australia. Once again the site has moved to compensate its growing size. Sorry to those that have me linked to their pages for the inconvenience.

With the Australian Water Skiing season heating up, we can expect some fierce competition over the next few months. In the past few months we've had the World barefoot titles held in the States, the Sydney Bridge to Bridge, and the Southern 80 on it's way this month. You will get all the latest news from water skiing right here at Water Ski Australia.

If you have any news, please fell free to E-mail it to me at ydouask2@yahoo.com

Special Thanks To:

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Robbie Lewellyn and the World Water Ski Racing web site for supplying me with news, events, and some pictures for Water Ski Australia

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WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Tim Failes and the Australian Barefoot Water Ski Club (NSW Division) for supplying the events, results and training clinic schedule for the barefoot season in Australia.

Australian Barefoot Water Ski Club (NSW Division)

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Anyone else that has contributed to Water Ski Australia, your input is much appreciated.