John's Home Page

John's Home Page, Christmas 98 in Mexico, NCCC's 98 Week of Rivers, Memorial Day 97 in Big Bend


My goal for this sight is to share some photos with friends. Hopefully, these pages will also serve as a photo essay as well.

So far I have posted pages on three trips: Christmas 98 in Mexico, Memorial Day 97 in Big Bend and NCCC Week of Rivers 98. Making these pages has helped to remeber those trips as well as countless others. It also made me realize just how few photos I have taken over the last few years. It is hard to put into words the joy of sailing over a grass bed off of San Jose Island or paddling through a Cyprus Cathederal on the Blanco.

I hope to continue to develope this sight - However, I will need help. To those of you I have had the pleasure to paddle with, if you want to contribute material or links to this site, please let me know. As with the trips we have shared together, this site will be incomplete without you.

I still need to scan in pictures of Christmas 99 in Mexico and Snowboarding in Austria. A couple friends have shared pictures of the 2000 Kayak Polo Nationals. Thanks Nancy and Curt. While I am plugging the Nationals, here are still more links to Nationals sites - Preston Holmes, and The Mountain Shop

Another couple sources of Paddling info/links are River Talk and EJ's Polo Page.

Where is the Next Trip, who knows?

Please come back soon and visit me.

John Cinadr
Last Modified: September 12, 1999

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