Welcome to my
Water-Ski Racing Page!!
There aren't many pages for Water-ski racing around, so I decided to take it into my on hands, and make my own, where (hopefully) you can download pictures of boats, skiers and lots of other things all to do with Ski Racing!
This page is dedicated to all those petrol heads out there!! This page was put in the extreme sports sections because thats what the sport is, extreme. Skiers travel on water at speeds of up to 200 kph or over 100mph!!! This is dangerous but fun! The boats used to pull the skiers at this tremendous speed, have engine size of up to 500 cubic inches, with Twin Turbo Charges, to the twin Outboards of around 300 hp each. You may not hink that its that dangerous, but hanging on the back of a boat doing 180 kph on a plank of wood is really dangerous and EXTREME. As you can see, I have some pictures of the boats on the page, the main one being God's Gift. This boat has been running for quite a while now, but is still running strong, and winning events in its class. The Stephens hull has a Rodeck 500 cubic inch engine in it, as well as being Turbo Charged! This thing is a real Adrenalin PUMPER!!!
I don't ski race yet, so if any of you guys have any second hand gear that needs to be sold in Oz, then e-mail and let me know!!

I'm very keen to enter the sport!
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Chris Reid
Last Updated