Welcome to My Humble Abode

So what do you think of the all new specially re-designed site? I decided that I wanted to move to a more lively scheme, and that the blu/grays were just a little to drab. And as I'm not really big on pinks, yellows or reds, that pretty much only left me with a green theme to work with. Though if you want to be a stickler, yes, some of it IS on the blue side of the green spectrum.

If you find links that are broken you can go ahead and email me as I think I have everything all set. (Although there is similar data on all the pages right now, so don't worry that will be changing soon

Best Regards,
      Matty D

Want to contact me?

Feel free to send me an email letting me know what you think:

And don't bother emailing me about 'broken links' just yet, I have this page set fine, and am working to get the rest up. So rest assured that I am already fully aware of the broken links on the menu.

I'm really starting to get into this whole business of using divisions and CSS instead of tables. It's been a rough transition, and I had a heck of a time trying to get the whole systems to work with my previous site desgin, but in this new design built on div's from the ground up is a lot simpler and I think is in a better over all format for what I want to do with it.

I'm thinking that I am going to use either Xanga or to keep up an online jounral rather than trying to write my own code for it here, but I'll probably keep the rest of my up-to-date information on this site. (pictures, latest new, history, etc.)


If you like what you see and you would like something similar for yourself, shoot me an email and I would be glad to talk to you about getting a site up and running.