 Getting One
 Trick Tips
 FBOL Club
 Coming Soon
 Ramp plans
 Fingerboarding Online

Established: April 24th 1999

Last updated: August 13th, 1999

Welcome to Fingerboarding Online! My name is Jordan Wynja and I am the author of this page. Please feel free to browse around. You can make comments via E-Mail or rank this site on the GeoGuide at the top of any of these pages. I consider this site to be interactive in the sense that, in many places, the visitors can add to it. This causes the site to become more entertaining with each visit! It will be updated once every  week or two. The more people come to Fingerboarding Online, the better it is for the rest of us. So feel free to make links to this page, and be sure to tell all of your friends about it.

New this update:

  - Stolen animations

  - New trick tips

  - Who is Jordan Wynja?

 - Ramp Diagrams

[Main] [Getting One] [Pics] [Trick Tips] [Articles] [Links] [Modification] [FBOL Club] [JW] [Coming Soon] [Ramp plans] [Ramps]