Images of Mine (Page 3)
Still more images I've done in PS.  Not much to say what hasn't been said, so, bleh......
Everytime it Rains Piercing-Toothy Kinda Guy
This was inspiered by the Cold song "The Rain Song"  IT is probably the only image I've made that has turned out exactly how I had intended it to look. Some Toothy, Piercing Guy.  Eh, looked better as just a pair of lips with gigantic fucking teeth on paper.  Eh....
Z Symbol
Random Image.  Made it on paper first, and then just moved it on to PS.  Looks pretty good, i think.
Yet another Symbol I made on paper and put on PS.  Yadda Yadda Yadda, heard it all before.
Something about Red White Blue
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Go to my Christina Ricci Images
This is just as random thought as all get out.  Don't know where it came from.  Probably just pent up aggression from back in H.S. that is left over.  Ayyways, looks pretty