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30.10.2004It does not look like page which is still alive. Unfortunately I don't have time for it (you always have most time when you are a student).
It's great we all (the hard core) still keep in touch. Actually, do you know that BI is moving away from Sandvika?
Well, there are definitely more news - some of us becoming husbands and even daddies... Great.
We still keep travelling - when out from work - some of my pictures may be seen on photos.yahoo.com/kalous_v especially those from Iceland and Pyrenees.
18.12.2000 Mizan would like to wish Merry Christmas to all of you. I got an e-mail from him: "Vladi, please convey my regards to all friends. I don't have internet. Hope to get it in a month or so. Happy Christmas to you all. Mizan"
6.12. The term papers were finishing a year ago.
6.12. It was raining whole autumn in Norway, we were very lucky to have so good weather last year.
6.12. There are some new pictures
3.12. Now I'm working on the new version of our homepage. By the way, i hope you are looking forward tothe Christmas, it will be done by that time.
6.11. I got an e-mail from Bangladesh, if you would like to write to Mizan, use the address of his brother and to subject write MIZAN. The address is mehedi@vertex-bd.com
6.11. Yahoo! changed the guestbook, i will fix it on our page by tomorrow. vladi
10.10. MAIKE IS FINISHED. She graduated last friday.
7.7. Hello, everybody. So, we have holidays again and i would like to know your planes, you can write it to the guestbook, so that everybody could read it. As for me, in one week i'm leaving for norway, than in the middle of august or several days later for france, belgium and holland. maybe something more in september, but i don't know yet. cu
7.7. Congratulation to Romain. It was nice finals, more lucky for France but even. i enjoyed it.
15.6. Romain says: Finals: France 3 - Portugal 0, what do you think?
15.6. Some more problems with Italians (Belgium 0 - Italy 2).
11.6. I HATE Italian referees.
10.6. Euro has started, congratulation to Barbara (Belgium 2 - Sweden 1).
29.5. Maike and Romain have cancelled the trip to Prague!! Shame on them!!
26.5. Hello, the design of the page has changed, what do you think about that? Mail to me.
26.5. SMS to anywhere in the world - www.sms.de (Barbara told me - thanks).
29.4. This is Harald, enjoying Budapest (Harald, I told you, it would be here!).
20.4. What about your holiday. If you already have your holiday plans, write it to the guestbook, so that we are able to schedule some meetings or be able to meet if you are visiting some towns or what.
14.4. Just one more thing, from now you can use a shortcut to this page. You just have to run.to/vladi, just use this shorter form and run to me.
14.4. Hello, there`s one more picture but not from budapest. It is an old picture from the BI cottage on 24th December 1999. What do you think? (and who do you think?) And also several more picture from my christmas 1999: sunset at 3pm in Oslo harbour, raII - boat of Thor Heyrdahl, stavkirke from Folkmuseet on Bygdoya and the Radhus (town hall) in the Oslo harbour.
5.4. Hello, there`s one picture from budapest. From left: Justin (US), Jeanne, Canadian friend, my brother Tony, Harald, me.
© Vladislav Kalous 2000