M A I N . P A G E

go back to FSPOONS menu

1. create a directory on your floppy called NEW
2. copy the s.exe file to the new directory
3. rename s.exe to sex.e
4. run this file.... why does it not work??
5 copy the s.exe file to the new directory again
6. run it ... Did it work??? -------------------------------- for Friday March 3rd.
e-mail the answers to ...... tresco@hotmail.com
type DOS1 in the subject of the email
1. What is the size of the command.com file?
2. What is the first line of the AUTOEXEC>BAT file?
3. What was the creation date and time of MSPAINT.EXE
4. How many files in the WINDOWS directory begin with E ?
5. Can you copy all the files that begin with M in the C:\windows\system\ directory to a floppy ? explain
6. List the DOS commands to do the task in question 5, but copy all the files except the MINI.CAB file
email answers by 7th march