Welcome to the coolest part of my webpage......
A Page All About ME!!!!!!
<------  Here is a caricature of myself.  It's quite scary.  Quite.
my icq # is 77146321
Some Basic Info
Place of Birth - Toronto
Date Of Birth - November 20, 1983
Where I Now Live - Whitby, ON
My School - Sinclair Secondary School
Pets - A dog named Daisy
Siblings - A brother named Eddie
Annoying Habits Of Mine
I bite my nails.
When I sing I purposly sing in a high falsetto voice, it sounds hideous.
I compulsively clip my tonails, not bite them!
I forget to call people back.
I sleep all the time.
I refuse to eat out of the chip bag, I must have them in a bowl.
I am loud.
Things That Annoy Me

See the
Movies I Love
All the Aliens Movies
The Little Mermaid
The 5th Element
The Beach
Lady And The Tramp
The Sting
Deuce Bigalo Male Gigolo
Tommy Boy
10 Things I Hate About You
Things I Look For In a Signifigant Other ---- A.K.A. a guy.
They can't have random emotional outbursts.
They must not be afraid to get in any sort of trouble, I like it when guys do stupid things.  It amuses me..
They must be witty.
They must love movies, because I like to watch a lot of movies.
They must be immature, because I like to do immature things.
What else could I put here?
You tell me.
Email me with comments or complaints.
I will just mock your complaints.
Things That I Do To Annoy My Family
Make a whistling noise that drives my brother mad. 
Call "MOM" and when she says "YES" I say nothing. 
Sing in my singing voice. 
Make the computer make noises when you open a menu. 
Whine endlessly. 
Cry often. 
Complain about everything. 
I know ALL the hiding spots. 
I don't refill the ice cube tray. 
I sleep in the basement, which annoys my Mom a lot for some reason. 
I take my Mom's wet clothes out of the washer, when I need it, and put them on the dirty floor. 
Break my bothers lego sculptures. 
I don't permit them on the phone because I'm downloading songs.
T.V. Shows I Enjoy
Seinfeld, Frasier, The Simpsons, 3rd Rock, Caroline In The City, Married With Children, Taxi, Forgive Or Forget, Jenny Jones, Sally Jesse Raphael, Oprah, Degrassi High, Clueless, Powerpuff Girls, Daria, Family Guy, Survivor, Big Brother, Passions, Titus, Ally McBeal, Saturday Night Live, Mad TV, The Sunday Night Sex Show, David Letterman, Conan O'Brian, Judge Judy, I Love Lucy, You Me And The Kids,
and more...

It may seem as if I spend all day watching TV.  I would have to if I wanted to watch all shows every day.  I only watch Passions, Survivor and The Sunday Night Sex Show regularly.  They others are just shows I watch occasionally.