AFTER THE BARIUM ENEMA: A modest man is in the hospital for a series of tests. One of the last tests has left his system upset. Upon making several false alarms to the bathroom he decided the latest was another and stayed put. He then filled his bed with human waste and was embarrassed beyond anything he could possibly face.   Losing his presence of mind, he jumped up, gathered up the bed sheets, and threw them out the hospital window. A drunk was walking by the hospital when the sheets landed on him. He started yelling, cussing, and swinging his arms wildly which left the soiled sheets in a tangled pile at his feet.   As the drunk stood there staring down at the sheets, a security guard who had watched the whole incident walked up and asked "What the heck was that all about?"   Still staring down, the drunk replied: "I think I just beat the       poop out of a ghost!"

Xray Medical Terminology

ECNALUBMA (ek na lub'ma) n. A rescue vehicle
which can only be seen in the rear-view mirror.
Barium.....what doctors do when patients die
Benign.....what you be after you be eight
Cardiology..advanced study of poker playing
Catscan...searching for kitty live long
Enema.....not a friend
Fibula......a small lie
GI series of military baseball
Outpatient.. a person who has fainted
Paralyze....two far fetched stories
Pelvis.......cousin of Elvis
Recovery to do upholstery
Rectum....darn near killed him
Urine.......opposite of your out

A snail was run over by a turtle. The snail ended
up in the hospital and was sent to xray.
The xray tech asked "What happened?" He said,
"I don't know, it all happened so fast."

Things you do not want to hear during surgery.
1. Better save that. We'll need it for the autopsy.
2. Someone call the janitor. We're going to need a mop.
3. Accept this sacrifice, O great god of the Volcano.
4. Bo! Bo! Come back with that! Bad dog!
5. Wait a minute, if this is his spleen, then what's that?
6. Oops! Hey, has anyone ever survived 500ml of this stuff before?
7. Sterile, shcmerile. The floor's clean, right?
8. OK, now take an XRAY from this angle. This is truly a freak of nature.
9. And now we remove the subject's brain and place it in the body of the ape.
10. Could you stop that thing from beating? It's throwing my concentration off.

Just Been Thinking
If a person with multiple personalities threatens
suicide, is that considered a hostage situation?
In x-ray physics did you learn the speed of dark?
Whatever happened to Preparations A thru G?
Do agnostic dyslexic insomniacs lay awake at
night wondering if there really is a dog?
How do blind people know exactly where to look
for those little Braille signs?
Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?
Why does your nose run and your feet smell?
Why do toothaches start on Saturday nights?
How come your teeth are the first to decay when
you are alive, and the last to decay when you are
dead? Do Roman paramedics refer to IV's as "4's"?
Why are hemorrhoids called "hemorrhoids" instead
of "assteroids"? How many weeks are there in a
light year?

The patient came to see the Doctor. He held up the x-rays and said it looks like surgery. The patient asked: Isn't there anything less expensive than surgery? The Doctor said: Well yes, for $150.00 we can have these x-rays retouched!!

Doctor asks: What is the condition of the boy
who swallowed the quarter?
Nurse replies: No change yet!


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