About Me....

"My name is Jared. I'm 18 years old. I live in Peoria, IL. I've lived here all of my life. Personally, I like it here. I have quite a few very cool friends here. There are a few cool bands as well. I'm the Vocalist for Blue Skies Lie. We've been around since August of '98. Right now we are recording for a 7 song cd. We're also looking for a record company or just anyone that would want to put it out for us, because, basically, we have no money. Our genre I guess would be along the lines of experimental hardcore/metal with a slight black metal influence at times. I'm both Vegan and Straightedge. I've been Vegan for about 3 years or so, and Straightedge for about 4 years. I'm Vegan because I feel like it is the best thing I can do for the animals, by abstaining from meat, dairy, wearing animal products, and consuming animal products and bi- products. I'm Straightedge because I feel like I don't need to partake of drugs, alcohol, and nicotine which all destroy the body. I've seen a few of my friends, who I love, totally destroy their bodies and their lives with such things. It hurts so much. I wrote 'Seductress' about that. I'm an Agnostic. I was a Christian for about 16 1/2 years, I guess. I'm not sure how the whole change happened, it didn't happen all of a sudden, I guess it just changed over time. Part of me believes that there isn't a god, because none of us can be sure there is and he/she is not what everyone has thought he/she to be. And there is another part that says there is a god, but I totally disagree with his/her methods. If God wants to teach me the right way to live and to live for him/her by trials and for example, my friends getting raped or sexually molested, or such happening to me...I want no part with God. And if God doesn't even respect his/her own creations (human and animal) then I want no part with God. I'm out of school now, and I don't plan on attending college. I've gone to about 10 or 11 schools through the years. I don't think that school was meant for me. I'm too independent. I've been expelled from 4 schools. The last school was Peoria Christian School (I'm sure that all of my friends from PCS that are reading this right now are probably fairly excited about me getting ready to put this school down full scale). This school expelled me for wearing large pants, being Vegan, and being Straightedge. They expelled me because I would not change my beliefs. This school has fueled my hate for their kind. Mr. Walker and Mrs. Hauter, you both make me sick. I still hear stories about you bastards. I know that when I was there you both did everything you could to get me out of there. I hope you're both happy now. You 2 and all of the parents that plagued me while I was there have all only made me stronger and made me want to never change for any of you. I enjoy being myself, I only wish all of you could understand what it is to be true to yourselves and others. Anyway, I think I could go on forever about PCS. I finally met a girl awhile ago, her name is Nadia. I'm totally in love with her. Before I met her I was pretty much a manic-depressant...I don't get depressed as much anymore. She's so comforting, and she's always there for me. I couldn't ask for anyone better. She's also Vegan and Straightedge. She's a very intelligent and aware person. Throughout time I've had some very close friends. It's sad to think about how I've grown apart with a lot of my older friends...but on the other hand it's nice to think about all of the new friends that I've come across and that I'm really close to. Music is my life and my love. Music and my Friends are all that I have. Without these, I would be nothing. To all of the people that make up all of my favorite bands, thanks a lot. You've done so much. And to all of my friends and to the X309X, I love you all, I hope you know that."

Jared Madigan
last modified: October 3, 1998



