no nukes news
nuclear issues in australia
radioactive waste: NT - other Oz - SA -overseas
british N-tests in australia esp. maralinga
lucas heights nuclear reactor (sydney)
global nuclear issues
climate change

no nukes news
Nuclear news updates focussed on Australian nuclear issues. To subscribe, send an email with NNN-Subscribe in the subject line to <>
From October 2008, No Nukes News posted as Word files at: <>
No nukes news 6/8/08
No nukes news 20/2/08
No nukes news 18/11/07
No nukes news 4/9/07
No nukes news 4/8/07
No nukes news 9/6/07
No nukes news 14/3/07
No nukes news 11/2/07
No nukes news 28/11/06
No nukes news 24/9/06
No nukes news 28/5/06
No nukes news 2/4/06
No nukes news 12/2/06

nuclear issues in Oz

Some of the most useful nuclear websites in Australia:
* Friends of the Earth <>
* Australian Conservation Foundation <>
* SA FoE Clean Futures Collective <>
* Dr. Gavin Mudd <> and
* Medical Association for the Prevention of War <>
* Nuclear Free Australia <>
* Wilderness Society <>
* Yellowcake Country: Australia's Uranium Industry
<> or direct download:

Fabbo new report on uranium safeguards published November 2006 by Medical Association for the Prevention of War <> and Australian Conservation Foundation <>. See also the articles on safeguards in various No Nukes News's e.g. 28/11/06.

Radioactive Racism in Australia
Proposed uranium exports from Australia to China
Australian-obligated plutonium and Japan's nuclear ambitions
Historical pursuit of nuclear weapons in Australia
Australian uranium and weapons proliferation
Dr. Bill Williams on Australia's nuclear/uranium industry
Jabiluka - 1999-2000 World Heritage articles
Jabiluka film review + update
Review of Wayne Reynold's "Australia's Bid for the Atomic Bomb"
Australia & the US missile 'defence' plans
Chemical and biological weapons in Australia

radioactive waste

>>proposed nuclear dump in NT

In July 2005, the federal government announced its intention to impose a nuclear waste dump on the Northern Territory. For info, check these websites:

* Nuclear Territory News <>
* Central Land Council <>
* Friends of the Earth <>
 * Environment Centre Northern Territory <>
* NT nuclear dump wiki: <

>>other australian waste issues
Spent fuel in Sydney and internationally (updated Jan 02)
Pangea's plan for an international nuclear dump in Australia
Pangea morphs into ARIUS
ARPANSA, radioactive waste & the proposed new reactor
Radioactive waste and the planned new reactor

>>defeated plan to dump in SA

The federal government's plan to impose a radioactive waste dump on South Australia was abandoned in July 2004.

SA N-dump: government secrecy
SA N-dump: 15 reasons to say NO!
Indigenous groups & issues
Siting issues
Union ban on SA N-dump (updated Sept 03)
SA parliament votes to ban dump
SA politicians contact details
Emails for letters to newspapers
Updates on the Woomera dump - 2003
Risk of missile/rocket strikes inc. Defence Dept 'violent' opposition
Transport issues
SA dump: updates on sham EIS
Woomera nuclear dump: critique of sham EIS (August 02)
How many mistakes can The Australian make in one editorial?
Nuclear dump PR plans leaked (Nov 02)
SA dump: the thin edge of the wedge (May 02)
SA dump: updates 2002
Why was SA chosen for the national nuclear waste dump? (Nov 02)
SA says no to radioactive waste dump ... again (2002)
Expert panel supports dump (but don't know it's a dump or what's going in it)
Update on plans for radioactive waste dump + store (Jan & Feb 01)
Updates on plans to dump waste in SA (August 00)
Summary of South Australia dump plan (March 00)
South Australia to legislate to stop nuclear waste dump (May 00)
1998/99 articles on SA dump plan
SA dump: ten contradictions ... and counting
ABC's Media Watch 'takes sides' in nuclear dump debate
  Public opposition to reactor and waste dump plan
Friends of the Earth background paper on waste dump plan
Radioactive racism
SA nuclear dumps: Maralinga and Woomera

More info on the defeated SA dump plan:
Irati Wanti
Friends of the Earth

>>overseas waste issues
Poor countries - the North's radioactive waste dump
Transmutation of radioactive waste
Radioactive waste in the UK
Radioactive waste in Germany
Radioactive waste in the USA

british N-tests in Oz
Maralinga - Never Again - 50th Anniversary
Maralinga land transfer negotiations
2003 - Updates on British weapons tests
2002 - Updates on British weapons tests
2001 - Updates on British weapons tests
Maralinga weapons tests (2000) + ABC radio exposé
Human guinea pigs in the weapons tests in Australia
Stolen body parts scandal
Review of Roger Cross: 'Hedley Marston & the British Bomb Tests in Australia'
Links to websites + literature on the British weapons tests
maralinga 'clean-up'
Critiques of the 'final' Maralinga report by scientific whistle-blowers and others
Detailed critique of final MARTAC report by Alan Parkinson
US expert Dale Timmons slams the Maralinga 'clean-up'
Articles on Maralinga by nuclear engineer Alan Parkinson (2002)
Alan Parkinson's dissection of propaganda about the Maralinga 'clean-up'
Alan Parkinson's critique of draft MARTAC report (2003)
Debate on Maralinga 'clean-up'

Alan Parkinson, 2007, Maralinga: Australia's Nuclear Waste Cover-Up, ABC books.

lucas heights reactor

An operating licence for the new research reactor was granted by the puppet regulator ARPANSA in late 2006.

>>> general/safety/foreign policy/isotopes/science/senate/links <<<
New reactor: info resources
INVAP: the reactor from 'Dodgy Brothers' (updated Nov 02)
INVAP's financial problems
INVAP (the Argentinian reactor constructor) and the Egyptian reactor
Reactor battle (update/summary August 2001)
Case for a Royal Commission into the plan for a new reactor in Sydney
Lucas Heights: decision-making process/sham
A new reactor and jobs at ANSTO
ARPANSA, radioactive waste & the proposed new reactor
ANSTO staff speak
Quotable quotes on the plan for a new reactor in Sydney
ANSTO/government agenda exposed -- transcript of ABC doco
Critique of Lucas Heights reactor environment impact statement
Reactor contract signed
SBS television 'Insight' program transcript
ANSTO secrecy: $7000 for two pages of information
Imre Salusinszky propaganda in Sydney Morning Herald
Public opposition to reactor and waste dump plan

Lucas Heights: Sydney's nuclear target
Lucas Heights reactor: safe as houses?
Lucas Heights insurance scandal
Research reactor accidents - updated June 01
Comparing nuclear risks at Tokaimura and Lucas Heights
Lucas Heights: 1998/99 accidents and cover-ups
Emergency planning

>>'need' for a new reactor: foreign policy
The real agenda behind the push for a new reactor
The real agenda: Jean McSorley's "National Interest & Nuclear Intrigues"
Australia's nuclear connections (Jean McSorley)
Historical pursuit of nuclear weapons in Australia
Nuclear weapons & Lucas Heights
Research reactors and nuclear weapons (short)
Research reactors and nuclear weapons (detailed, updated May 02)

>>'need' for a new reactor: medical radioisotopes
Medical radioisotope supply options for Australia
Dr. Bill Williams summary of reactor/isotopes debate
Reponse to medical submissions to Senate inquiry
Medical cyclotrons/accelerators in Australia
Nuclear medicine for dummies (short)
Suppression of non-reactor based medical technologies  in Australia
U.S. experts report on non-reactor options for nuclear medicine in Australia
1997 PhD thesis available from <>
Samarium-153 versus strontium-89 for bone cancer palliation
Critique of Lucas Heights reactor environment impact statement
PM's pre-election reactor propaganda (2001, updated April 03)

>>'need' for a new reactor: science
A new reactor for scientific research? (mercifully short)
A new reactor for scientific research? (painfully long)
Critique of Lucas Heights reactor environment impact statement

>>2000-2001 senate inquiry
Lucas Heights senate inquiry update, November 00
Senate inquiry transcripts of public hearings (Parliament House website)
Senate report slams Lucas Heights reactor plan (June 01)

more info on Lucas Heights reactor ...
New reactor: info resources
Medical Association for the Prevention of War
Reaction Coalition

global nuclear issues
>>global ... nuclear weapons
Albert Einstein on Atomic Weapons (Word file)
Reactor Grade Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear terrorism
Nuclear smuggling
Research reactors and nuclear weapons (short)
Research reactors and nuclear weapons (detailed, May 02)
Research reactors and nuclear weapons: German FRM-2 research reactor
Research reactors and nuclear weapons: Canada
Nuclear weapons beat-ups: the sky-is-falling-in profession
Washington's nuclear hit list (leaked Nuclear Posture Review 2002)
Iraq's nuclear weapons program
Humans guinea pigs in USA nuclear tests & role of the medical profession
Nuclear corruption, bribery etc.

>>global ... other
Nuclear corruption, bribery etc.
MOX plutonium nuclear fuel trade & scandals
MOX (uranium/plutonium fuel) shipments/scandals - 2002
British Nuclear Fuels scandals & their relevance to Australia
European reprocessing condemned
Genetic effects of radiation
Health effects of low-level radiation
Dr. John Gofman answers 10 nuclear furphies
Nuclear is no solution to climate change
Radioactive racism
See German Greens' articles below in environment section

Environmental data/trends: information sources
German Greens & the anti-nuclear movement
Think-tanks and the environment
Media & the environment
Green business, green co-option, greenwash
Greenwash: BP, the Big Polluter (updated Aug 01)
Corporate greenwash & globalisation
Lord Melchett and other environmental turncoats
Planned obsolescence
Bjorn Lomborg, the anti-environmentalist (updated Jan 02)
Far-right 'environmentalism'

climate change
Corporate conspirators and greenhouse policy in Australia, 1997-2001
WMC Ltd.: greenhouse gangster
The Lavoisier Group (Australian climate change sceptics)
Nuclear is no solution to climate change (updated Aug 01)
Carbon colonialism: blaming the Third World for climate change
Greenwash: BP, the Big Polluter (updated Aug 01)

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Most recent research is being posted on the Friends of the Earth website
And there's lots of recent nuclear news in the
 No Nukes News section of this website.

Time to radically reform or abolish the so-called safeguards office ASNO: please visit

Yellowcake Country: Australia's Uranium Industry
download from the FoE website

Albert Einstein on Atomic Weapons
(Word file)
Nuclear Power: No Solution to Climate Change:
  Report at <

And see the articles by Prof Ian Lowe and Dr Alan Roberts in No Nukes News.

Some of the material on this website is based on my PhD thesis, "Reactors, Radioisotopes & the HIFAR Controversy"
PhD thesis, Department of Science & Technology Studies, University of Wollongong, Australia. Graduated 1998.














The environment and climate change sections haven't been updated since 2002.