You may recognize Sam's costume from last year.
Halloween night was the first time we could get all of the things in Ben's costume on him.
Good job putting the costume together Mommy.
Sam figured out this trick or treating thing pretty quick.
He would take two or three pieces from the people then stand with his hand up until they said
"Ok. Since you're so cute you can have one more".
Below are some pictures

Click on images to enlarge.
This is our attempt to get both of them to pose by the pumpkins in front.
The boys get on the move. The hunt is on.
Once Sam figured out what was going on he started running between houses.
Here he is demonstrating his pattonted move.
I couldn't catch it on film but sometimes he would grab his cape and swoop from house to house.
His sleeves were a little too long. I think that played into his begging strategy.
Ben surveying his loot before he went back for round two.
Sam sampling the goods. He through a fit when we put the candy away for the night.
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