Tails, Noses and Spikes


Felix broke his tail and it grew back black. The color of the regrowth may be dependent on the color at the break. If the black color starts to spread up the tail or smells, other problems such as dry gangrene or fungus should be suspected. Dry gangerine is very common in iguanas who have nearly froze to death.

Nose Injuries

Felix came to us with a serious nose injury. Mom did not expect to see nostrils again. It took a year of Silvadine treatments. It was a slow process since injured noses will reopen very easily.


Spikes shed like the rest of the iguana's skin. Moisture is necessary to shed the skin on the spikes. Felix's spikes are long and healthy. Drago's spikes have had a problem with shedding and have broken off. Spikes with layers of shed will also bleed. Some owner's remove the shed on the spikes, but notice some of these owner's may be missing fingers. Soaks in the tub with a washcloth on the spikes or sitting in a light rain will help loosen stubborn shed. Mineral Oil may be used on stubborn shed.