What Are Some Solutions To Global Warming?


There are many solutions to Global Warming. The Biggest Problem is getting everyone in the world to do there part. Some solutions might cause certain industries to economically suffer, or just cost too much money. This creates a gridlock situation that many people are undecided upon. Everyone on earth needs to come together and help out with cost effective solutions.

The first part of stopping Global Warming is education and awareness. People need to know what's going on so they can become aware of the possible effects and want to help stop it. The next step is making sure people do there part. Governments all over the world have passed bills and policies to ensure this. For example, at an international convention the Berlin Mandate was passed which primary international agreement aimed at reducing emissions of heat-trapping gases worldwide. At The Kyoto Conference an international agreement making industrialized nations aim for specific targets and timetables for reductions of carbon emissions below the 1990 levels was instated. Environmentalists all over the world are coming together to encourage governments everywhere to start reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Here in the United States the environmental Protection agency and The United Stated government are currently working on legislation that will reduce these emissions. We already have the Clean Air act which banned a total end to the use of chlorofluorocarbons, or CFC's. CFC's come from aerosol cans, solvents etc. and basically eat away at our ozone, allowing more heat to penetrate the atmosphere. Hopefully, the government will pass more laws similar to the Clean Air Act that will help prevent global warming.

Some of the possible solutions the government is discussing are expanding the use of other sorts of power, and working on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Solar energy and nuclear energy don't produce greenhouse gases, therefore would help prevent global warming. The idea of solar powered cars has been milling through technology forever and is now a very important consideration for the safety of the earth. Another idea is to have cars run on alcohol, instead of gasoline. Alcohol-run cars would produce fewer greenhouse gases. Some countries around the world already use alcohol run cars, and the United States has a few gas stations that sell alcohol, not just gasoline. The government has also considered raising prices on fossil fuels so people would be more inclined to walk or take public transportation instead of spending money on gasoline and oil just to drive themselves. Environmentalists are also doing crop testing to see how much strain crops can handle for more efficient adaptation to higher Carbon dioxide levels.

While the government is in debate, you can do your part to. Walk whenever you can instead of driving, check all aerosol products before you buy them just to make sure they don't have CFC's, and think about switching to a solar-powered or alcohol-run car. Inform your friends of the disasters that lay ahead if we don't stop global warming dead in its tracks right now.

Now that you have learned what you and the world can be or are doing to stop global warming, make sure to help out. Every individual hand counts.

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