Hawk's Home Page

This page is dedicated to Birds of Prey

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I would like to encourage more people to study and learn about birds of prey. These beautiful birds are vital to our enviroment. The more you learn the more you will support efforts to protect them and their habitat.

What is a bird of prey???. A bird of prey goes by many names from hawk-eagle-falcon-owl to raptor which is latin for, to seize or grasp. Through history birds of prey have been admired by man for their strength beauty and free spirit.

Male birds of prey, also known as tiercel's, are one third smaller than the female.

Raptors with their great vision, eight times better than mans, and sharp talons (claws) and beak, and spectacular hunting ability became popular with man and falconry was born (The art of hunting with a raptor). Falconry is one of the oldest field sports in the world dating as far back as 2000 B.C. In Europe in the middle ages raptors and falconry were known as the sport of kings, and each type of bird represented the class and status of the person who flew it. Eagles and Gyrfalcons were reserved for kings and emperors. Raptors were so highly regarded that to harm or kill one was punishable by death.

Unfortunately birds of prey have suffered greatly at the hand of man. Great numbers of raptors have been killed due to ignorance and prejudice, the thinking being that all hawk's are chicken hawks. This is a terrible misnomer. Most birds of prey actually help man by keeping the rodent population under control therefore keeping disease in check. Raptors are at the top of the food chain they act as a barometer for the health of the enviroment. When DDT (Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichoroethane) an insect pesticide, was used it was found birds of prey were suffering and their numbers declining because of brittle egg shells. The problems the birds of prey face warn people of the problems that could also affect them. Birds of prey for the most part are now protected under federal law and it is illegal to harm, kill or keep any part of a raptor. Falconers must obtain special permits and pass special testing to keep raptors and are closely regulated.

I hope you enjoy your stay here...And continue to learn about birds of prey and help protect them....Thank you.

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings as eagles. Isaiah 40:31

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