Test Your Bat I.Q.

What is your Bat Intelligence Quotient? Answer the following questions...
The answers are at the bottom of the page...
1. Are bats birds?
2. How big do bats get?
3. How many mosquitoes can a bat eat in one hour?
4. Do vampire bats really attack humans?
5. Can people get rabies from bats?
6. Where do bats live?
7. How do bats help in the rainforest?
8. What is bat do-do called?
9. Are bats endangered?
10. What can I do to help bats?

Sooooo....How did you do?

Bat Conservation International
Bat Facts
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1. No, they are mammals.
2. The bummblebee bat of Thailand weighs less than a penny, and the giant flying fox of Indonesia has a wingspan of nearly 6 feet!!
3. One little brown bat can catch 600-1200 an hour!
4. Vampire bats prefer cows and chickens.
5. Yes, but only one person a year in the U.S. dies from bat-inflicted rabies.(Dog-inflicted rabies kills 10 people a year.)
6. In caves, roofs of houses, trees, overhangs, and bat-houses.
7. They help pollinate plants and spread seeds they eat.
8. It's called guano, and it's used as fertilizer in some places of the world.
9. YES!!Bats are North America's most rapidly declining and endangered mammal.
10. Put up a bat house. Educate people about the benefits of bats. Learn all you can about bats yourself. Tell others about our website!!!!E-mail us for bathouse instructions........

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