There was a koala bear who was approached by a prostitute one day. He had never been with a prostitute before.
Curious and excited, Koala spent the night with her and had a GREAT time. The next morning, he went down on her one
last time before departing. After he's done, Koala headed for the door and was about to leave when the prostitute yelled, "hey...what about my money?" Confused, the koala turned around, gave her a puzzled look, shrugging his shoulders, and replied "Huh?" "Come here..." she said and pulled a dictionary out of her purse. She pointed to the word "prostitute" and
its definition: "has sex and gets paid." Finally understanding, the koala borrowed her dictionary, turned to the word koala
and showed her its definition: "eats bush and leaves."

Racism is disgusting, degrading and destructive. Particularly to the morons who practice it. But we can never stamp it out by making it illegal as a politician found out in 26 years in parliament, simply by passing laws against immoral behaviour.
You can never legislate to regulate moral conduct. The only way is to lead by example in education. One of the better weapons against the surry creatures who riducle othere because of their skin colour is to satarise them. Racists always identify themselves. The female will evitably have a large bottom, thin lips and a shrill voice. The male of the species will have a big ugly nose, a pretruding gut and under size personal identification. A very dear friend of mine who is black gave me the enclosed poem which says it all.

When I was born I was black.
When I grow up I am black.
When I get sick I am black.
When I get scared I am black.
When I choke I am black.
When I get embarassed I am black.

But you white fellas.

When you are born you are pink.
When you grow up, you are white.
When you get sick you are green.
When you get scared you are yellow.
When you choke you are blue.
When you get embarassed you are red.

And you got the hide to call me coloured.

This army corporal is on duty in the parking area of his base. It's a quiet day and things are getting pretty boring. Suddenly the phone rings, so he answers: "Hello **** military base car park, how can I help you?" he asks. "Hello" says a pompous voice from the other end, "Can you tell me if there are any cars in the car park"the attendant looks out of the window and sees as mercedes. "yeah that up tight old general Petersen twats' car is there." "DO YOU KNOW WHO THIS IS? I'M GENERAL PETERSEN!!!!" the man on the other end screeches. "Do you know who this is?" asks the cocky soldier. "No," replies the general some non-plussed. "Then fuck off you stupid pompous old prick" he shouts.