Welcome to my Guestbook!

April - 12/16/98 06:17:03
My URL:http://www2.wku.edu/~gaffoal/
My Email:showers@hotmail.com
Where are you from: USA

Brad, Hey! You did a great job on your page! I hope things are going well for you! May God Richly Bless you! :) April

midnight - 12/12/98 08:52:09
My Email:midnight86@hotmail.com
Where are you from: western australia

well nice little place you have here im one so come and chat with me

Kristine - 12/10/98 07:15:30
My Email:gracepooh@hotmail.com
Where are you from: Taiwan

Hi.. Again.. Remember I talked to you the other day? Well, I like your webpage.. See ya again sometime.

Enna Yvonne Järnstedt - 12/08/98 10:18:55
My Email:chewbacca4u@death-star.com
Where are you from: Kotka, Finland

Hi Brad! I love your page, it's really cool... Omalaatusta... kirjotanpa suomeksi... See ya later! I gotta go now, my German lesson's about to start... Terve! Ennukka

Stacey ("Lucy") - 12/07/98 05:22:53
My URL:/SouthBeach/Canal/7343
My Email:kaksi@cybergal.com
Where are you from: Albury, Australia

Well Brad, I love the page..oops, treehouse...and well that pic of me, hmm, I still don't like it..*L*. You're a good friend, and I plan on keeping it that way, if that's okay with you? I'll have to try and find a better picture of me, hey i could draw one! so you can replace the crappy one that you have!! well I've already said that I love the treehouse, wish my page was this good, can I come visit again???

~*TIGGER*~ (april) - 12/07/98 04:27:11
My URL:http://www.gepcities.com/SouthBeach/Coast/8860
My Email:tigger_1679@excite.com
Where are you from: 100 Acre Woods *L* Actually, Illinois.

Nice page bro...*hugs* Love what ya wrote for me....and I seriously need to get new pics of me scanned so that one that you have can disappear. hehehe. I'll see ya in the resty. Love ya!!!


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