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Archaeologists campaigning for the environment

How-to guides

So you've got an important archaeological site or some heritage you'd like to protect... but how do you go about it? Here are some guides to environmental and archaeological campaigning that we've begged, borrowed, written, stolen, or linked. They were written for the UK, but may be of more general interest. Please tell us if you know of any more useful stuff like this.

Step 1: Getting started

Environmental campaigners guide to archaeology: How to find out if you've got something archaeologically important, and what to do if you have.

Step 2: Planning your campaign

An Introduction to Campaign Strategy: A short but quite excellent summary. From Corporate Watch magazine, Issue 8, Spring 1999.

Step 3: Raising local support

Raising local support: some ideas for community-based, grass-roots campaigning based on experience from the campaigns against the Newbury and Salisbury bypasses (highways) in the UK.

New! How to hold a public meeting: Some tips from Friends of the Earth.

Step 4: Taking direct action

Preparing for direct action: some thoughts on how to stop things going pear-shaped in that tricky transitional phase between "conventional" and "direct action" campaigns.

Road Raging - Top Tips for Wrecking Roadbuilding is one of the best "how to" guides to campaigning we've seen.

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