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Sprite's Medicine Walk

Credits for the Walk

I believe in giving credit where it is due, and not infringing on the copyrights of others, so I have included these pages to credit the work of others that has been included in Sprite's Medicine Walk. I have endeavored to acquire permission to use any materials that are included in the Medicine Walk, and I have provided links to sources for poetry, sounds, photos, and props that have been included in Sprite's Medicine Walk. I wish to thank all the contributors for the use of their intellectual property. If your work has been listed here, and you for any reason feel that I have not gotten proper permission to use it, or have not credited you properly, by all means email me, and I will give you the credit you feel you are due, or remove it promptly, as you wish.

If you just can't contain yourself, and feel an extreme need to include anything from my palace or website to your own, please ask me in writing for permission before you do. Some of the pictures in my palace and on this website are copyrighted photos that I have gone to great lengths to obtain permission to use. Any unauthorized use of those photos may be prosecuted by the Copyright owners! If you want to know more about copyright, and what does and does not constitute an infringement, visit this Introduction to Copyright page. Then go to the Copyright Myths Page to learn the things people often get wrong when interacting with copyright on the net.


"A Summer Ramble" by William Cullen Bryant is featured in the "Serenity" room. All other poems are Copyright 1989 by Arleen Charles.


The Gift, and Dream sound files were transfered to wave from CD Audio through the use of Cool Edit.

The Gift wave is actually "A Gift of a Thistle" from the original motion picture soundtrack of BRAVEHEART. The Music is composed and conducted by James Horner, and Performed by the London Symphony Orchestra.

The Dream wave is actually "Desert Dream", Track 11 from Red Thunder's Makoce Wakan album.

"If this music inspires you - do something. Tell your representative in Washington that protecting our sacred sites and preserving religious freedom is not just an Indian thing it's an American thing. We must stand together for each of us, for the enrichment and enlightenment of all of us."
U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell

Learn more about Red Thunder, and how to help them to Save America's Forests.

The nature sounds that can be heard throughout the Walk were taken from Comptons Reference Collection 1996.


The use of the following pictures was donated by Harry Bowden, Nature Photographer. Harry is a wonderful man, and he was the first to give me permission to use his photos, I thank him for that. If you are impressed with Mr. Bowden's work please visit his site. He was kind enough to give the use of his copyrighted photos to allow you to enjoy the beauty of this world in the Medicine Walk, so please let him know how much you appreciate him!

I found these at Northern Images Gallery. Dennis O'Hara may be the man behind the lens, but he gives God all the credit. "...my hope is that you may see through the scenery into the face of the Creator." Dennis doesn't ask non-commercial users for payment for his photos. He says, "...if you feel the pictures are of value to you, please make a donation of $1 (if you can afford it), to the Salvation Army in your own local community." I think that anyone who enjoys his photos should honor his talent by "paying" for a few if they can.

These photos came from Bill Hark's online collection. Bill says, "Children notice things such as butterflies, bugs, frogs and other critters. As people get older, they are often too busy worrying about the rent or where their children are to notice details such as butterflies." If you haven't seen butterflies in a long while try visiting Bill's Lepidoptera Photos website, or... follow your kids around outside!We do!

My friend Geri Wilson lent me the use of the picture on the right. She's a really sweet lady. If you like it, you can email her.

I found these photos on the Kodak website inside the members gallery, and in digital camera samples.

The following photos were taken from the Adobe Photo Deluxe 2.0 Sample Collection on CD.

The following photos were borrowed from the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument pages. You can learn all about the plans that the bureau of land management has for the national monument.

The following photos were borrowed from Chuck's Wallpapers. If anyone knows where Chuck has moved his collection please let me know so that I can link to his pages again.

=§tar Ki££er¤=, and Sabre, proprietors of Skydance gave me these pictures. Ph's Horse, from PH's Stables allowed me to use this picture from his beautiful Palace. WC & Cuddles, donated the following pictures. Visit WC & Cuddle's Retreat.

My friend Rain, proprietor of Rainfall Gardens lent me the picture on the right. She's a good friend, and her palace is beautiful!

The remaining pictures in my palace were either photographed/created by me, or were accquired from an unknown source. If you know the source for any of the following pictures, please write me and let me know so that I can credit them properly.


I have made use of some of the beautiful works of Cicely Mary Barker to make props suitable for use in Sprite's Medicine Walk. I adore the childlike innocence that comes through in her portrayals of the fey. I turned several of my favorites into props, or borrowed the props of others as they too borrowed from these wonderful works. The illustrations I used were taken from "A World of Flower Fairies" by Cicely Mary Barker. The book I borrowed from wouldn't even be in print if not for the Estate of Ms. Barker, so I would like to give a formal, and hearty thank you to the Estate of Cicely Mary Barker, for keeping the Flower Fairies alive!

Cicely Mary Barker was born in Croydon, South London in 1895. When Miss Barker created the first of the Flower Fairy books, the unassuming artist had little idea of the immense popularity that her Flower Fairies series would enjoy. The Flower Fairy books were written and illustrated over a period of 25 years, beginning in 1923 with Flower Fairies of the Spring. Cicely's timeless watercolors capture the innocence and, playful joy of children, and each flower fairy is also a fanciful representative of a British flower or tree. Cicely painted her lovable creatures until her eyesight began to fail. She died in 1973 at the age of 78, shortly before the 50th anniversary of her widely praised Flower Fairies books. Now, more than 20 years after her death, Barker's artistry continues to charm and delight a world-wide readership. Illustrations taken from "A World of Flower Fairies" by Cicely Mary Barker.

Copyright for the Flower Fairies is held by The Estate of Cicely Mary Barker, 1925, 1926, 1944, 1948, 1990, 1992, 1997. Books published by Frederick Warne & Co.

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