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Sprite's Medicine Walk

Download the Pictures and Sounds

Congratulations! This is the place to be if you want to save time, and LAG by getting all of the resources that make Sprite's Medicine Walk such a wonderful place to visit. Please follow the installation instructions below to be sure that your Walk experience is not a stressful one.

Download the Files

Click here to download the Walk.ZIP file (2.06 megs).

Installation Instructions

Version 3.5 or higher
After downloading the ZIP files, you need to create a new directory in your "c:(or drive name where palace program has been installed)\Program Files\Communities.com\PalaceClient\media\" folder. This Folder should be named "Sprites Medicine Walk". Open the new folder, and then create two new folders: "Pictures", and "Sounds". Use an unzip utility such as WINZIP, or PKZIP to unzip the Walk.ZIP files into the directories.

Pre - Version 3.5
After downloading the ZIP files, you need to create a new directory in your "c:(or drive name where palace program has been installed)\Palace\media\" folder. This Folder should be named "SpritesM". Open the new folder, and then create two new folders: "Pictures", and "Sounds". Use an unzip utility such as WINZIP, or PKZIP to unzip the Walk.ZIP files into the directories.

If you are too stressed to understand these instructions, or are just confused by them, you are forgiven, and may visit Sprite's Medicine Walk without benefit of the ZIP files.

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