...All You Need is Love...

Ok, so perhaps John Lennon said it best when he said, "All You Need is Love." But we all know there are those things out there in this world that we absolutely just cannot stand for one reason or another. Yeah, so maybe my list is a little different than your's, but that's ok. And I'm not going to call it my "hate" list or anything. Rather, we'll call it my "Strongly Dislike" list courtesy of my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Hightower. She always taught us never to hate, but it was ok to dislike. And oh yeah, the items, subjects, etc. are in no particular preference of distate. So, if you happen to rank #1 up there on my list, please don't think you're special because I happen to dislike you more than let's say the smell of my gym socks I found wadded up under my bed last week that I have listed at #7. It doesn't work that way!

Ok, let's get right down to business. One of the things I dislike most in this world is mustard. I can't stand the stuff. Just the smell of it makes me cringe. You know, yellow is one of my favorite colors, but I can't even look at mustard. Just sitting here thinking about how much I dislike mustard is making me want to hurl.
Then there's onions. Come on, people...they don't smell good and they make your breath really kick it. Why would you want to eat them? And just a side note, if you do eat a lot of onions and then plan to visit your local YMCA or gym, I strongly advise you against it. Somehow those little onions creep up in your system, and your sweat just won't smell quite so sweet anymore.
Corned beef and cabbage! Who the heck invented the stuff?! I can't even walk in my own house when my mom pulls that stuff out of the fridge and starts cooking it up. I remember when I was little, she would make me eat it - every St. Patrick's Day without fail. But now I've laid down the law and refuse to come home on March 17th. I think we've finally reached an understanding.

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