Become A Member of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Central Fl.
Members receive the quarterly newsletter for one year.  That's four issues full of stories and updates on all your wild animal friends!  Donations of $50+ also receive an 8x10 color photo, suitable for framing.  Please notify us of address changes!  Bulk mail will not be forwarded to you or returned to us.  ***Your membership experation date is listed on your mailing label***
(All Donations are Tax Deductible)
Annual Dues:
Individual $20
Family $25
Business $100-$999
Corporate $1000+
Other $_____

Please make checks payable to:
Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Central Florida
(All Donations are Tax Deductible  Your cancelled check is your receipt)
Print This Page & Mail Your Kind Donation To: 
Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Of Central Fl.
21117 Reindeer Road 
Christmas, FL 32709
Phone: 407-568-3200

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Street Address ____________________________________________________

City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________

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