Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

More Wildlife Facts


  • White-tail deer have scent glands in several places on their legs and face, and between their hooves. They are able to mark trails and find each other from the scent left on branches and on the ground. 
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  • Florida is also home to the Eastern Gray Squirrel and the Southern Flying Squirrel. Adult gray squirrels weigh about 3/4 of a pound; adult flyers weigh only two ounces.

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  • An owl can see a mouse from about one mile away, and their vision is imperative for their survival. Their feathers are specially formed to provide very quiet flight. A large great horned owl can weigh about four pounds, whereas a screech owl might weigh only four ounces.

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  • Great horned owls, like "Shoshone," can exert 500 pounds of pressure per square inch with their feet and talons. That is more owerful than ever the bald eagle, a bird of prey that is 3 to 4 times larger

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  • The burrowing owl, of five species found in Florida, has a unique method of protecting its young. Because the owl lays its eggs and cares for its babies when they are hatchlings in underground burrows, you might wonder how predators could be kept away. The burrowing owl cleverly "decorates" the apron (outer area) of its burrow with canine feces. When predators discover the scent of dogs in the burrow vicinity, they quickly leave the area. Wouldn't you?
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    Here’s a tip from wildlife friend, Kay Yonge:

    You can help to provide a home to wildlife by leaving dead trees on your property if they are not in danger of falling and damaging buildings, etc.  Brush piles also can provide a home for many ground dwelling creatures.  (At our Center, we have left dead trees standing and have several brush piles.  Many different types of animals utilize them as safe homes. 

    How would you like to check out how your congressman is voting on environmental issues?  Just log on to the web site of the League of Conservation Voters at www.lcv.org  Then email or write your representative in Washington to give him/her your feedback! 

    FIDO FOUND A SKUNK?  Rolled in something that smells awful?  Here is the neutralizing solution that will make life with stinky livable again.

    AND 1 TEASPOON LIQUID SOAP (any mild dish detergent.)

    Soak the dog with water and then work the solution
    into a thick lather on the dog.  Leave the lather on for
    3 - 5 minutes and then rinse off. 
    CAUTION: Make certain you don't get any solution in the dogs eyes.
    *Do not keep over.


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    What A Wonderful Gift!
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    Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
    21117 Reindeer Road
    Christmas, FL 32709
    (407) 568-3200

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    ©1998/2003 ------ All materials contained herein are owned by:
    The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Central Florida,  and Charly



