Introduction ................................. .................................. Booklist.
Aims Newsletter Photo Gallery
How to Join Latest Updates Links
Events     Seedlist 2005/06







The purpose of  The Geraniaceae Group is to promote knowledge of the species of Geraniaceae. Our functions include annual meetings, a specialist book list, the seed exchange and a large slide library.

This Group was formed in 1981 by Richard Soar, Diana Griffiths, and Richard Clifton.

We aim to bring together as many people as possible who are interested in the species ( and primary, or inter-species hybrids) of all the Geraniaceae, especially core genera Erodium, Geranium, Pelargonium and Monsonia & Sarcocaulon; to encourage interest in growing plants, and also to encourage the exchange of information between members.




Our aims



Geranium x oxonianum 'Hollywood'






The Group Newsletter

The Group newsletter, which all members receive four times in their subscription year, is the main means by which members exchange and receive information. All members are encouraged to participate, with articles, photos, or just short notes either to the Group newsletter or to this website. Photos are preferred for the News but generally cannot be returned; slides can be returned if not for donation to the Slide Library. Observations on cultivation, propagation, notes on habitats, climate, soils, pests, reports of meetings, conventions, and research relating to the Geraniaceae that would be of interest to the members, all are very much wanted for  the News or, if technical, our Associates Notes. We very much rely on the members to keep the newsletter full and interesting!

Select any of the years to have a look at contents.


1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004



Meetings and Events

News from Sydney Reed, Geraniaceae Group Meetings Secretary      

Calendar for 2009

Wednesday, February 18:  RHS Lawrence Hall Meeting Rooms, Vincent Square, London, Room 23, 14.00-16.15

"Geranium and Erodium"

RHS Early Show - Stepping into Spring


Wednesday, April 1:  RHS Lawrence Hall Meeting Rooms, Vincent Square, London, Room 23, 14.00-16.15

"Pelargonium, Monsonia and allied genera"

RHS - April Flowers


Wednesday, October 14:  RHS Lawrence Hall Meeting Rooms, Vincent Square, London, Room 23, 14.00-16.15

"Growing through the year, your experiences, successes and failures"

RHS - Fruit and Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Competitions


Any contributions  thankfully received


Subscription rates for 2009

UK ££ 8.00
EUROPE ££ 9.00 (or Euro 15.00 *) including Air mail Postage
OTHER OVERSEAS £ 10.00 (or US $ 20.00, cash only) including Air mail Postage

Remittances from overseas ( payable in £'s sterling)

You may apply for membership and send the money to:

Peter Starling,
22 Northfields,
Cambridge CB3 0QG

Click here for the Subscription Form

Membership runs for 12 months and includes 4 Newsletters, 1 Seed Distribution, the full Book List and any discounts, and use of the Slide Library.

All ideas, information and opinions, expressed or implied, appearing in this web site are those of the contributors themselves and do not necessarily represent the views of The Geraniaceae Group



Please, send comments, questions and suggestions regarding this web site to Marisa Amadio at 

This page was created on April 1998


Latest updates to this site:  
Photo Gallery - new Pelargonium pictures from France at the new site -30 December 2008
Photo Gallery - article about wild Pelargoniums,  in German - 30 December 2008
Photo Gallery - new Pelargonium pictures from Sweden at the new site -9 December 2008
Geraniaceae to identify -  update about the unknown Greek geranium - 28 November 2008 
Calendar of the Geraniaceae Group Meetings in London for 2009 - 11 September 2008
Photo Gallery - parts of the Gallery moved to a new location - 21 August 2008  
Links - updated 19 February  2009  






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