Geographical Information Systems(GIS) in Malaria Surveillance and Epidemiology-Guyana..

Epi Map Generated maps of Guyana ( all maps unless otherwise stated were digitized by author on a digitizer tablet, and Epi Map 2.01 ( CDC ) software. Please feel free to reproduce on condition that credit is given to author for the map )

Maps as follows:

Administrative Sectors

The Map below represents in shaded form the Political-Administrative regions of Guyana, the regions are divided by sub -regions. There are 10 RegionsRegionsThese regions are mostly responsible for their own development , however there is has been traditionally a heavy dependence on central government in the area of Health Care including Malaria control

 Malaria Sectors

Since the event of the Malaria Erradication programs in the early 40"s. Preceeding the present Politico-Administrative divisions. The malaria programe had divided the country into Operational Sectors.

This was a division into areas which made it logistically easy to carry out malaria field operations. in 1992-93, these "Operational Sectors were re- drawn to facilitate "Data reporting" by " Administraive regions" . The map below represents this "modified Malaria Operational Sectors"

The Maps above are in "GIF" format and will not accept entry of data except by "freehand" style. However they are elaborated in the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Epi Map Software programe where, data can be entered in each "discrete" "cell"(Sector). The data can then be portrayed in "spot map" Color patterns" or "color shading".

By plotting varios variables in multiple maps a visual panorama of the relationships can be seen , This is demonstrated by the maps below where the data for malaria cases in 1985 was plotted and in the second map the areas sprayed with DDT was portrayed.

Areas With malaria 1885(left)/Areas sprayed 1985 (right).

Below the successive yearly applications of DDT treatments are compared.

The system can be automated so that as the data entry process takes place the maps are automatically updated.thus from a basic , " line data entry" form in Epi Info ( another CDC program) Maps can be automatically generated to give current depictions of the situation


Plot of 33,000 cases of malaria in 1994. Spot map by operational sector.

More to come!!

Sept 20 1998 Lloyd Validum MD