version 0.99b

WebReminder is a web-based calendar and reminder application written in Java.
It can be used as multi-user server system in intranet or internet or as personal calendar on the local PC of the user.

WebReminder is especially well suited as a shared calendar for groups of people (working on the same project, sharing the same interests ...).

WebReminder knows 3 alarm types :
  • Visual : a browser popup window is displayed at alarm time or the next time the user visits the WebReminder page
  • Sound : in addition to the visual alarm popup window a beep sound is played
  • e-mail : WebReminder sends an e-mail to the user at alarm time
The user can choose to get alarmed up to 24 hours ahead of the event time. Optionally an e-mail copy receiver can be specified for each event.

Periodic events can be defined that are repeated daily, only on weekdays (monday to friday), weekly, monthly or annual.

The access to WebReminder is password-protected.
When the open registration mode is used, new users can get an account by filling a registration form.
In closed registration mode only the administrator can create new user accounts.
The user can define a read-only password for his calendar that can be made public to other users wich only should view but not change the calendar entries.

WebReminder is able to manage clients in different time zones. If there is daylight saving time in the client's timezone, the user has to change his timezone offset two times per year.
The server queries the timezone of the machine it runs on every hour and should automatically follow the daylight saving time changes.

WebReminder features a todo list with priorities and deadline date for each task.
A simple notepad provides a place to quickly put some notes. There is one notepad page for each day.

The layout of WebReminder can be customized by a CSS Stylesheet file.

WebReminder can be integrated into existing Web applications by placing it into a separate browser frame.
To be able to work with users externally managed by another Web application, WebReminder provides a proxy-login function.