Reduce, Re-use, Recycle

Making it the fashionable thing to do

I am not going to start  preaching about the necessity of recycling to preserve our natural resources and lessen the load of the local landfill.  This is the nineties and everyone knows these things.  For the last 15 years, schools across our country have been teaching our children about recycling.  It's the grown-ups that have the hardest time with it..
A couple of years ago all of the grocery stores were selling cloth bags in an effort to reduce waste.  I still have mine but I will be the first to admit that they have not left my foyer closet in about two years.  I ask myself why I stopped using them.  The grocery clerk always looked at me funny as did the other shoppers.  Why is it so unfashionable to be eco-friendly? 
I have come up with a theory, I think that the majority of the public just feels guilty when they see someone making an effort to do the right thing.  They then look at those who still make the effort as though they are the pariahs.
P.S.  I dug my bags out of the closet, the general public will just have to get over themselves.

Is your house green?
Think about the cleansers that you use in your home.  You wouldn't drink them but dumping them down the drain introduces those chemical into our water table.  For almost every commercial cleanser there is an environmentally sound one.  Baking Soda and Vinegar are two of the most diverse "green" alternatives..

Not for profit
Not for fame

  For more green household tips or for more information about anything e-mail me at  Submissions and articles about the environment, parenting, vegetarian recipes, natural health, or herbs are very welcome.  Please do not send attachments.