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Hi there folks! Doesn't this page look astoundingly dissimilar to the previous "classy" one with all its amazing graphics and babble? Well, that was just me in a valiant attempt to appear grown-up (mind U, it took me Ruth's advice & 2 editings to realise how many nonsensical statements I had made)... now Welcome to my real cyber niche!  Disney, animals, faeries, crafts and music--man, that's what it's all about.


So, you wanna know more about me?

Ahem, c'mon, even if you don't, just help in this self-deception scheme to boost my ego, k?

     For a start, I adore animals. Mum has never let me

keep a pet before (reason being, my brother Ken would probably kill it), but I have chosen to do veterinary science anyway. Of course, passing my exams & actually becoming a vet will be a diff story altogether.  I've just completed a year of the BSc course in Melbourne University, and am going into 1st year vet science this yr (2000). Over the past few months, my thoughts have been tumbling & I have managed to form this picture of myself, on the 1st day of lectures, not even being able to differentiate btw a female & male dog. Gee, what have I gotten myself into?! Oh, I've got a page with all my "adopted" cyber pets too (did that in '98 when I was REAL bored).. so check it out

In addition to that, I am:

  A Disney freak. I find Winnie-the-pooh most delightful.Go to Disney

  A  Singaporean. Yes Singapore is a FINE city, hot, humid, clean & politically peaceful. Everyone is kiasu, kiasi, walks at lightning pace, queues up for 7 hrs at Mac's for Hello Kitties, goes thru 3 more-than-major & 3 major exams in their basic education etc etc. 

  A glutton. Going to Oz & staying in a residential college where the food supply is unlimited doesn't help my weighing scales much either. 

  An arts-and-crafts lover. My drawers are filled with paintbrushes, paints, beads, stencils, stamps, urm...& a lot of other junk. They are leftover from my creative yesteryears, & whatever these hands churn out nowadays seem to be oh-so-pathetic. I think I made a page on "crafts" in '98 too... here it is.

  A very fickle person. I say that I'm engrossed in reading James Herriot books now, but tomorrow I may be raving over the beauty of ice skating, or the like.


Well, that's all I can think of about me. If you have any complaints/violent disagreements/wonderful commendations; or if U find me highly interesting/ just dead boring, you have 2 choices...

                  Drop me an email          OR          Sign the guestbook


  And if you really, really 

have nothing better to do, take a look at the guestbook! 


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