Micke - 08/14/00 08:13:00
My Email:makmehappy@hotmail.com
Country: Sweden
Gender: Boy
Age: 26
How did you find this site?: Via TSK
Ocupation: Sales
Your last desire: My girlfriend
Didn´t know that you had a site???? Wy not tell your freinds???
louise - 06/12/00 15:37:54
Gender: female
Age: 14
How did you find this site?: copernic
Amir Shaheen - 03/16/00 02:02:39
My Email:amirshaheen@hotmail.com
Country: Egypt
Gender: Male
Age: 22
How did you find this site?: through altavista
Nice work!!
fritz huber - 01/02/00 17:37:27
My URL:http://private.freepage.de/reisefieber/
My Email:huber.friedrich@netway.at
Country: austria
Gender: male
Age: 53
How did you find this site?: yahoo
Hi there,congratulation a realy great fabulous Page !!
I visits gladly the homepage of people the one large heart has and gladly something to undertake. Supper PAGE,Design and INFORMATION. I will in such a way by-continue to look more frequently times. Very often i am looking for home pages from other countr
s. I prefere your country and your lifestyle .To visite your country soon i hope . Also a small homepage i have. Journeys is a young well and holds the body and the soul in shot. We do our next trip to Australia in april 2000 .
I would be glad for an entry into my guestbook much .
Greetings from Upperaustria.
Much FUN in the network wish the Journey Fever Team.
Fritz Huber
Tammie Anderson - 06/20/99 18:24:17
My URL:/Heartland/Hollow/7294
My Email:tama@nwlink.com
Country: USA
Gender: Female
Age: 41
How did you find this site?: clicked on your banner through the Geocities banner exchange
Ocupation: Hospital Secretary
Your last desire: Mmmm. no has ever asked me that before
I really enjoyed your African page. The pictures were wonderful. How long were you in Africa? What a great oppportunity that was for you. I have never had the chance to travel.
I will bookmark this page for my son to see. I know he will enjoy it also.
Tammie Anderson - 06/20/99 18:20:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/7294
My Email:tama@nwlink.com
Country: USA
Gender: Female
Age: 41
How did you find this site?: clicked on your banner through the Geocities banner exchange
Ocupation: Hospital Secretary
Your last desire: Mmmm. no has ever asked me that before
Mary Warhall - 05/31/99 18:32:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Crater/3860/
My Email:marywarhall@geocities.com
Country: USA
Gender: female
Age: 19
How did you find this site?: surfing around
Ocupation: college student on summer break
Your last desire: ??????
I love to travel but I have never been to Africa (yet!) Enjoyable page and I love all the great pictures!! Keep up the excellent work!
yoram cohen - 05/28/99 06:21:39
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/c_yoram
My Email:c_yoram@usa.net
Country: israel
Gender: male
Age: 21
How did you find this site?: webring
Ocupation: student
I think your site is very nice, but i didn't see any photos in it...
check out my site, there r photos from around the world, i put there a photoalbum (which is a new technique in web page designing).
i will check out your siute another time, to check out some pictures.
bye yoram. :)
Pearl of Asia - 05/15/99 06:58:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.co.jp/HeartLand-Kaede/8645/
My Email:Salaam20@hotmail.com
Country: Japan
Gender: female
Age: 28
How did you find this site?: another guest book
Ocupation: housewife
Your last desire: flying over to the moon
I added your site on my bookmark! \^o^
Keep up the good job!!!!!!!!!!!
D3926 - 03/10/99 22:59:20
My Email:@aol.com
Country: US
Gender: female
Age: 61
How did you find this site?: a friend
Ocupation: retired
Yalun - 03/06/99 01:21:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/7872
My Email:yalwun@hotmail.com
How did you find this site?: Geocities
I think your site is the best I have seen on Africa. Nice job, and may I link to your page from mine?
jeny adans - 02/24/99 18:52:46
My Email:kika1110@hotmail.com
Country: usa
Gender: FEMALE
Age: 22
Ocupation: student
Your last desire: I would like to know Africa.
it's cool
jeny adans - 02/24/99 18:49:31
My Email:kika1110@hotmail.com
Country: usa
Age: 22
How did you find this site?: by internet
Ocupation: student
Frank - 01/21/99 15:23:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/1340
Country: USA
Age: 27
How did you find this site?: geocities search engine
Ocupation: Psychologist
Cool web site. Check out mine if you get a chance. Cya...
Katrina - 01/20/99 05:01:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ab/katrinaspage
My Email:kajohn345@hotmail.com
Country: Canada
Gender: female
Age: 24
How did you find this site?: surfing
Your last desire: to get back to africa!
I was just surfing the net and so happy to come across another african page. There just aren't enough real african travel sites. If you get a chance check out mine sometime. You have a great page!
Garrett Aho - 01/15/99 22:12:58
My Email:cv01012783@students.corvallis.k12.or.us
Country: U.S.A in Oregon
Gender: Male
Age: 15
How did you find this site?: Infoseek on Africa.
Ocupation: Student
Your last desire: To go to the GREAT LAND OF AFRICA!
HI, my name is Garrett and I just thought that it would be cool to sign your guest book. Your web site is the best. Thanks! My cousins live in Zambia and I think it is funny how you mention you got mugged. My uncle and one of my friends have experienc
d this same thing in Lusaka while in town. Also in Harari. Any ways have a nice day.
Andrew Templeton - 12/08/98 03:31:52
My URL:http://templewood.co.za
My Email:andrew@templewood.co.za
Country: UK
Gender: Male
Age: 37
How did you find this site?: By Joining the Ring!!
Ocupation: IT Manager/Webmaster
Your last desire: Go Home to AFRICA!!
Excellent pictures - makes me feel homesick!
Rolf Karlsson - 11/11/98 12:47:13
My Email:rolf-ka@algonet.se
Country: Sweden
Age: 47
How did you find this site?: You asked me to
Ocupation: Teacher
Your last desire: Food
Vicky Chima - 11/11/98 11:50:24
Paco Wu - 10/08/98 07:01:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/8577
My Email:pacowu@geocities.com
Country: United States of America (orig. Canada)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
How did you find this site?: Geoguide
Ocupation: Student/Webmaster
Your last desire: to hitchhike to Hawaii
Great African resource. Better than the one from the CIA!
Laurenz - 09/30/98 21:41:57
My URL:http://rover.wiesbaden.netsurf.de/~lbobke/fotos/ephotfrm.htm
My Email:lbobke@bigfoot.com
Country: Germany
How did you find this site?: Travelring
I very much enjoyed the photographs! Right now its raining outside and I'd rather be somewhere in Africa...
Laurenz - 09/30/98 21:41:45
My URL:http://rover.wiesbaden.netsurf.de/~lbobke/fotos/ephotfrm.htm
My Email:lbobke@bigfoot.com
Country: Germany
How did you find this site?: Travelring
I very much enjoyed the photographs! Right now its raining outside and I'd rather be somewhere in Africa...
Nathan Thomas - 09/15/98 03:35:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Gym/7653
My Email:nlthomas@nmt.edu
Country: USA
Gender: Male
Age: 18
How did you find this site?: It showed up on my web sight
Ocupation: Student
Your last desire: To die for Jesus
This is an awesome page. I went to Africa myself this past summer. I went to the country of Ghana. I did ministry over there with obout 91 other people. We were there for about a month. I was a totally awesome experiance.
God Bless
Carol...aka...granny - 09/12/98 03:51:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/7977/index.html
My Email:acelady@fgi.net
Country: USA
Gender: female
Age: MANY !!!!
How did you find this site?: web ring
Ocupation: teacher
Your last desire: to travel more and more
Very nice site. I loved the pics, and even the B&W ones!! You got great shots of the animals. Thinking here, I need to get Africa on my travel wish list. Thanks for sharing your experiences with the world!!!
Sella - 08/31/98 18:55:12
My URL:http://travelers.israel.net/
My Email:webmaster@travelers.israel.net
Country: Israel
Gender: Male
Age: 24
How did you find this site?: Webring site
Ocupation: Student
Your last desire: travel in all the countries in the world
You have very nice pics. In my page I have also page about my trip in Africa I think we've been to the same countries.
Chris Pastura - 08/30/98 02:55:08
My Email:christopher.pastura@gte.net
Country: USA
Gender: male
Age: 28
How did you find this site?: Surfing through Star Trek
Ocupation: Teacher
Your last desire: ????
Cool Website. I didn't see it all but the African pictures were spectacular.
waleed - 08/29/98 16:47:52
My URL:http://http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Island/7942/
My Email:waleedelnahal@hotmail.com
Country: Egypt
Gender: male
Age: 14
How did you find this site?: link
Ocupation: student
Your last desire: to make a home page
cool homepage
great sound tracks.
visit my homepage
Daniel Landry - 08/15/98 23:51:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Sunsetstrip/Palms/9049
My Email:dlandry@technologist.com
Country: Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 27
How did you find this site?: Banner on my page.
Ocupation: Network, Database, Web Page, Graphics, etc,etc
Your last desire: Computer Crashes and my Control Alt Delete keys are not functioning
I really enjoyed your adventure, I felt like I was in africa while browsing through your site, great job and I like those Falls.
- 08/13/98 21:49:02
greatest places you have
Patricia - 08/06/98 13:05:23
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~psalas
My Email:psalas@netline.cl
Country: Chile
How did you find this site?: by the webring
you have an interesting page.
I'll appreciate your comments about mine ...
Have a nice time
Carola - 07/30/98 21:53:34
My Email:corrmalm@hotmail.com
Country: Sweden
Gender: Female
Age: 24
How did you find this site?: roumurs...
Ocupation: Student
Your last desire: To travel!!!!
Very good! I´m impressed. Love you!!
Mark Parks - 07/27/98 00:20:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bench/6208/
My Email:parksm@swbell.net
Country: usa
Gender: male
Age: 28
How did you find this site?: banner
Ocupation: discgolf player
Your last desire: You!
I love your page. Africa is very beautiful. Please stop by my web site and visit it. It would mean a lot to me .
razortongue - 07/18/98 03:06:00
My URL:http://come.to/razortongue
My Email:razortongue@iname.com
Country: USA
How did you find this site?: I saved the URL from my last visit
Ocupation: Slacker Deluxe!
Your last desire: Freedom, friendship, and flatulence humor!
WOW! What a terrific vicarious experience! I finally took the time to take the entire tour, and I'm glad I did. Cool site!
Oh, by the way, I gave you the wrong URL in my last sign-in; I left out the suburb! Now I've got a free, simpler URL; I forget who it's from, but an ad for it pops up on my website!
- 07/17/98 01:42:54
Your last desire: 1111111111111111
Dalene - 07/13/98 05:40:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/8109/
My Email:mactier@mweb.co.za
Country: South Africa
Gender: Female
Age: Old
How did you find this site?: Geo Cities Banners
Hi! I enjoyed your site. Hope you saw more of South African than just Cape Town. Don't know when you've been here, but since 27 April 1994 we have a new government. 27 April is now our National Freedom Day and not 31 May. We also have 11 official language
. Please remove the "bantu" language. Such a language doesn't exist and some people migth find it offensive.
Shelley - 07/10/98 15:51:51
My URL:/Athens/Agora/4016
My Email:strwbrrywn@hotmail.com
Country: USA
Age: 20
How did you find this site?: geocities
Ocupation: college student
I'll go ahead and sign it now, but I will check back with you later!
Shelley - 07/10/98 15:51:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/4016
My Email:strwbrrywn@hotmail.com
Country: USA
Age: 20
Tatiana Villa - 07/08/98 10:37:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Gold/9453/index.html
My Email:tatiana_villa@hotmail.com
Country: Spain
Age: 27
How did you find this site?: Banner on my site
Ocupation: Computers staff
Your last desire: Travel to africa
This is a great Site. I just added it to my Bookmarks.
yvon perreault - 07/02/98 13:42:52
My Email:ypenr@videotron.ca
Country: canada
Age: 50
How did you find this site?: magaciel
Ocupation: photographe
End Time Ministries - 06/30/98 21:59:26
My URL:http://www.etm.org
My Email:info@etm.org
Country: USA
How did you find this site?: Surfing
Just saying hello from the Garden State, New Jersey!
Be Blessed!
Alexis - 06/29/98 01:49:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/Opry/4779
My Email:teric@fiber-net.com
Country: USA
Gender: Female
Age: 29
How did you find this site?: Surfing through
Ocupation: Paralegal
Your last desire: Chocolate on the beaches of Paradise Island, Bahamas--now that's heaven!!
I will come back to this page often--it is very interesting to read about another country--I will even have my kids look at it.
Please stop by and visit my site. (and please sign the guestbook)
john senchak - 06/28/98 20:23:38
My Email:sgtpepper_1967@hotmail.com
Country: usa
Gender: male
Age: 28
Jennifer - 06/26/98 19:51:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cabana/7117
Country: Finland, northern Europe
Gender: female
Age: 17
How did you find this site?: I saw your ad in Geoguide banner
Ocupation: student in senior high
Your last desire: To travel, travel, travel !!!
Hi ! You've got a great page here ! I've always thought of Africa as a fashinating continent and I've always loved travelling, so your page's just what intrests me.
visit my site, too, if you wish. Take care.
Buggs - 06/24/98 12:11:30
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Tower/8530
My Email:buggs@hehe.com
Country: Denmark
Gender: Haven't checked lately...LOL
Age: feel like 100 at this time of day...LOL
How did you find this site?: U sent me...
Ocupation: Creative Assosiate at Seminariet i Esbjerg http://www.sembsc.dk/esb
Your last desire: to get home and see my kid and wife...
Hey Anders...! :O)
Damn!!! I did it again - hit the enter-button b4 I was done...sorry!!! :o( Hope U forgive??? Well, I just wanted to show u my daughter Emma's page and ask u what u think of Alien-movies??? It's cause u said in your own comment: Not bad for...a swede!!! Re
inded me of Bishop(caracter in Aliens) who said; Not bad....for a human!!! Well, that's all for now... Bye again... Buggs The Dane
Buggs - 06/24/98 12:06:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/8530
My Email:buggs@hehe.com
Country: Denmark
Gender: Haven't checked lately...LOL
Age: feel like 100 at this time of day...LOL
How did you find this site?: U sent me...
Ocupation: Creative Assosiate at Seminariet i Esbjerg http://www.sembsc.dk/esb
Your last desire: to get home and see my kid and wife...
Hey Anders...! :O)
Buggs - 06/24/98 12:00:33
My URL:/athens/olympus/6933
My Email:buggs@hehe.com
Country: Denmark
Gender: Female
Age: ooooh....well...12??? Naaah - 26
How did you find this site?: Met u in geo-chat
Ocupation: Creative Assosiate
Your last desire: to get another job...
Oooops...think i got it entered before i was done!!! Well, hi Anders!!! It was great chatting with u today... I hope we meet some other day, maybe tomorrow, right?!? U r welcome to write me a mail and tell me more about u, k?!? Gotta have my work all done
for today, so Im outta here - See ya soon!!! Buggs
Buggs - 06/24/98 11:54:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/olympus/6933
My Email:buggs@hehe.com
Country: Denmark
Gender: Female
Age: ooooh....well...12??? Naaah - 26
How did you find this site?: Met u in geo-chat
Ocupation: Creative Assosiate
Your last desire: to get another job...
????????????????????????? - 06/21/98 21:20:24
PurplePrincess - 06/14/98 02:05:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Coffeehouse/9844/
Country: USA
Gender: Female
How did you find this site?: from a guestbook
Your last desire: to be a famous musician
Cool links! Keep up the good work!
Sadie - 06/14/98 01:05:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/oracle/1921
My Email:onmytiptoes@webtv.net
Country: USA
Gender: female
Age: 21
How did you find this site?: surfed in from someone's guestbook
Ocupation: linguistic student
Your last desire: last, as in most recent? A tattoo on the Ayatollah, kissing a Star of David.
Nice site, here! Good work. Keep it up.
Mike - 05/30/98 21:35:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/7863/
My Email:JMAurora@aol.com
Country: USA
Gender: male
Age: 16
How did you find this site?: interesting, cool graphics
Ocupation: grocery clerk
Your last desire: dunno
cool site, i liked the graphics, as i mention, mainly the animated ones.
Razortongue - 05/29/98 20:59:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/8040
My Email:razortongue@iname.com
How did you find this site?: I was editing my page, and the banner caught my eye.
Ocupation: Major Slacker
Your last desire: To hold, once again, that silly boy with all the freckles...
Well, it looks like you're still under construction, but it should be interesting when it's done. You're gonna think I'm a jerk when I tell you WHY the banner caught my eye...what you desire lays ahead? I was half expecting a page of hens in broo
! Sorry, so sorry, I used to proofread; I'm pretty anal. Hope your page comes out well when you're done!
Charlie - 05/27/98 18:03:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/8450/index.html
My Email:ceaudritsh@juno.com
Country: USA
Gender: male
Age: 28
How did you find this site?: GeoGuide banner exchange I think?
Ocupation: Software Developer
Your last desire: More hits and guest book signatures at my site!
Nice page, but I'm not quite sure what it's about. The name "Divine Dreamers Lounge" caught my attention though. I think that's a java applet at the top of your page? It never loaded. Just thought you might like to know. Looks like you're interested
n photography, wildlife, the world, and maybe travel too? Me too -- my site is primarily about travel, but travel outside of Earth orbit! Please visit my site and sign my guest book!
Må din röv vara fast och fin
Martin Larsson - 05/17/98 20:04:23
My Email:martiniqis@hotmail.com
Country: Sweden
Gender: Male
Age: 15
How did you find this site?: You e-mailed me
Your last desire: go to hell anderrickis
Må din avföring vara fast och fin!!!!
Anders Larsson - 05/14/98 17:22:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/4445
My Email:aorrmalm@hotmail.com
Country: Sweden
Gender: Male
Age: 24
How did you find this site?: I own it...
Ocupation: Student
Your last desire: Someone, please sign my guestbook!!!
Well well.... This wasn´t too bad....for a Swede...