Application Guide

The Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program works on projects, by request, through a letter from the lead partner on your project.  Protect partners may be non-profit organizations, community groups, and local, start or federal government agencies.  We ask that partners play a major role in carrying out he project.  Our projects are selected annually on a competitive basis.  Please provide a brief overview of your project, in a one- to two - page letter addressing the following items:

Provide a brief overview of your project's location, background, and desired outcomes.

Special Resources of the Project Area:
Tell us about the natural, History, cultural, and recreational qualities and sites that are important to your project.

Project Goals:
Provide brief statements about what you would like to achieve.

Partners and Public Involvement:
List your partners and how they will participate in the project.  Describe how you will involve the public.

National Park Service Role:
Tell us specifically what you would like us to do.

 We encourage you to contacat us before you prepare your application to get our advice and suggestions.  For more information please e-mail Peggy Pings .

Please send your request letter to:

Program Leader
Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program
National Park Service
200 Chestnut Street, Third Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106

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