Steve Hampton's on-line guide to

birding in
Yolo County, CA
because all birds are more beautiful when seen in Yolo County

There's not much original habitat left around here-- all ag fields, channelized rivers, and a whole lot of non-native vegetation. Four of the historically prominant riparian breeders (Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Willow Flycatcher, Bell's Vireo, Yellow Warbler) are extirpated or only pass through as migrants. And finding rarities can be like getting water from rock. But there are --and deservedly so-- quite a few habitat restoration projects, some very large, that provide great birding opportunities.

Local specialties? Yeah, we got a few: lots of Swainson's Hawks in summer, plenty of Yellow-billed Magpies, Tricolored Blackbirds and Ross' Geese if you do some searching, good spots for Common Poorwill, coastal Sage Sparrow, and Lesser Nighthawks, and some of the best shorebirding in North America when water levels are right.

I hope this page can answer some your questions.

Recent Rarities Page County Lifelists

Guide to Birding through the Year Yolo County Birder's Map
Environmental Big Year 2008

A mandatory Yolo County birding resource is the Checklist of Birds in Yolo County. The newly revised 2004 edition is now available at The Naturalist on 2nd Street in Davis and at Yolo Audubon Society meetings. It has every species' status by month with bar graphs, as well as some information on places to go birding in Yolo County.

  • the numbers correspond to the map
  • click on some locations for photos of the place
  • barren fields in winter.
  • fields around Rds 102 and 16.
  • see Mountain Plover under the species list to the right; Ferruginous and Rough-legged Hawks may also be found here.

  • Note: The Maggot Ponds have been decommissioned and no longer offer good bird habitat.
  • 2-4 sewage-type settling ponds.
  • w at the yellow gates one lot north of Kentucky from Rd 102, park on Rd 102 and walk in if the gate is locked, ponds south of the road.
  • excellent for shorebirds depending on water levels; good for rarities.
  • best birds: Sabine's Gull; Semipalmated Sandpiper

  • marshy ponds and mud flats amidst dirt mounds.
  • w of Rd 102 between Kentucky and Beamer; access difficult, may be viewed from Kentucky
  • good for Cinnamon Teal and large waders, shorebirds, and Yellow-headed Blackbirds.
  • best birds: Blue-winged Teal; Solitary Sandpiper

  • Note: The Sugar Ponds have been decommissioned and no longer offer good bird habitat.
  • one large lake/mudflat and one filled with tules and some open water and mudbars.
  • the Cache Creek Settling Basin may be viewed by looking over the levee.
  • e on Kentucky from Rd 102, park on Rd 102 and walk in if the gate is locked, ponds north of the dirt road.
  • excellent for shorebirds, waterfowl, and marsh birds (though dependent on water levels).
  • best birds: Gargeney; Wood Stork; Sharp-tailed Sandpiper; Ruff; Least Bittern; Rusty Blackbird; Red-necked Grebe; Red Phalarope

  • riparian areas, with a large lake, mudflats, or ag fields, depending on water levels.
  • this is the area inside the high levees, east of the Sugar Ponds, north of Main St (hwy 16 east of Woodland), and west of the Trestle Ponds; access is from over the levee at the Sugar Ponds (Kentucky) or from the north off Rd 17. Some of it is privately farmed in summer.
  • good for ducks in winter, occasionally for shorebirds, and Blue Grosbeaks and Lazuli Buntings in summer.
  • best birds: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, nesting Spotted Sandpipers, possible nesting Yellow-breasted Chat

  • marshy ponds and fields, sometimes flooded or mudflats.
  • n. of the train tracks and Main St (hwy 16) between Woodland and the Sac River in the Yolo Bypass; best access is near the easternmost pond where a yellow gate is visible through the trestles, about 200 yards west of the east levee of the bypass (but may be flooded).
  • good for shorebirds and waterfowl, depending on water levels; many rarities reported.
  • best bird: Curlew Sandpiper

    6. JAIL POND
  • small manmade lake/mudflats.
  • w side of Rd 102, south of Gibson, bird from Rd 102.
  • can be good for shorebirds at low water levels.
  • best bird: Baird's Sandpiper

  • large manmade lakes/mudflats with levees.
  • e on Gibson from Rd 102, park in "birder parking area" and sign in at near gate; access only M-F 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Closed on holidays.
  • excellent birding spot at most times of the year; many rarities recorded here.
  • best birds: Franklin's Gull; Snowy Plover, Ruddy Turnstone; Sanderling; both golden plovers at the same time

  • barren park with a lake/mudflats.
  • e side of Rd 102, between Davis and Woodland.
  • can be good for shorebirds at low water levels.

  • Note: Hunt-Wesson has closed its plant in Davis and these fields are no longer irrigated.
  • weedy fields.
  • nw of Rds 28H and 104, ne of Davis; bird from Rd 104.
  • good place for Short-Eared Owls after dusk, especially in winter. Lots of raptors always.

  • row of eucalyptus trees.
  • in tall trees along Rd 103, north of Rd 28H.
  • over 1,000 nests; all three white egrets nest here.

  • garbage dump with adjacent marshy fields.
  • no birder access allowed except at Christmas Bird Count; bird from sewage ponds or other edges
  • heaven for gull aficionados, as thousands winter here.
  • best birds: Western Gull and Glaucous Gull are annual

    11. DAVIS WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT (formerly known as Sewage Ponds)
  • large and small manmade lakes with levees.
  • at Rds 105 and 28H, ne of Davis; bird from road or sign-in at office and walk around when it's open on weekdays.
  • popular birding place in winter; many rarities.
  • best birds: Surf Scoter; Common Tern; Sabine's Gull; Franklin's Gull; Western Gull; Ruddy Turnstone

  • manmade lakes with barren terrain.
  • on south side of Rd 29 (not 29H) across from the Hawk and Owl Refuge; constructed as catfish ponds-- but used for waterskiing; access may be restricted in future, but road viewing is possible.
  • can have shorebirds or diving ducks, depending on water levels; nesting Yellow-headed Blackbirds in summer.
  • best bird: Red-necked Grebe

  • extensive restored wetlands with nine ponds, many with islands, opened to the public in June 2000, some ponds are deliberately managed for shorebirds from July-October and may attract thousands of birds each day during this period.
  • open daily 7am-1pm Feb 16-Aug 31; Mondays only Sept 1-Feb 15; accessed at east end of Rd 29H, just past the Davis Wastewater Treatment Plant.
  • one of the premier birding site in the county
  • best birds: Blue-winged Teal (regular and has nested); Long-tailed Jaeger; Least Tern; Little Gull; Franklin's Gull; Western Gull; Common Tern; Snowy Plover; both Golden-Plovers; Ruff; Ruddy Turnstone; Stilt Sanpiper; Buff-breasted Sandpiper; Semipalmated Sandpiper (regular); Northern Shrike; plus nesting Horned Larks and Yellow-headed Blackbirds.

    14. YOLO BYPASS WILDLIFE AREA- Causeway Unit (formerly "CalTrans area")
  • weedy fields, some tree lines, ponds and mudflats after rains, canals with trees. New riparian areas planted in 1998.
  • between I-80 and the railroad tracks, inside the Yolo Bypass; park at the end of East Chiles Rd, walk up and over the levee, down the dirt road parallel to the freeway between the freeway and the railroad tracks (mountain bike is good); also accessible from Parking Lot A of YBWA. Foot and bike traffic only.
  • many buntings and Blue Grosbeaks; shorebirds, terns, gulls, and waterfowl possible when water is there.
  • best birds: Grasshopper Sparrow; Semipalmated Sandpiper; Greater Scaup

    15. YOLO BYPASS WILDLIFE AREA (also called Vic Fazio Yolo Wildlife Area)
  • fields, mudflats, or flooded fields, depending on water levels.
  • vehicle access is from levee near freeway; auto tour loop is well-marked; further access in non-hunting season
  • thousands of ducks, diving ducks, shorebirds, waders, depending on water levels; managed for shorebird habitat primarily spring and late fall; marsh birds.
  • best birds: Tufted Duck; Ruff; nesting Snowy Plover; nesting Wilson's Phalarope; Semipalmated Sandpiper; nesting Savannah Sparrow; Chestnut-collared Longspur; Swamp Sparrow; Sage Thrasher

  • wooded park in middle of fields
  • at Mace and Tremont s. of Davis
  • excellent for songbirds in migration, especially flycatchers; Burrowing Owls near radio towers.
  • best birds: Common Poorwill in migration; Tennessee Warbler; Grasshopper Sparrow; Townsend's Solataire

  • marshy and flooded fields.
  • east of Mace (Rd 104) and n. of Rd 105, also along Rd 107; may be flooded in winter.
  • excellent for ducks, geese, swans in winter (especially when the Yolo Bypass has flooded.
  • best bird: Greater Scaup; Mountain Plover

  • riparian cottonwoods and willows.
  • along Old River Rd. just south of I-5; also try along the railroad tracks (not in use) north and south and along the Rd 124 slough heading west.
  • good for migrant songbirds; some rarities recorded.

  • weedy fields, long canal bed with old willows and tall old growth cottonwood canopy, canal with tules and scattered trees.
  • between I-5 and I-80, between Sacramento River and Yolo Bypass; from the River Road, go west on Rd 126, park where the road drops off the levee and walk south over the levee or along it.
  • this place has potential; Long-eared Owls may be here in winter.

  • large open water turning basin in the Deep Water Channel for ships
  • access is south on Harbor from I-80, left on Industrial, over the bridge, then right up onto the dirt levee top.
  • can have Western and Clarke's Grebes; heron rookery on the west side

  • ponds, riparian canopy, mixed woods.
  • on west side of S.River Rd just s. of Linden in W. Sac.
  • very popular birding spot for migrant songbirds; earning a reputation as a vagrant trap.
  • best birds: Blackpoll Warbler; Northern Parula; Indigo Bunting, Summer Tanager

  • riparian strip along slough.
  • s. on S. River Road to Babel Slough Rd.
  • another good spot for migrant songbirds
  • best birds: Blackpoll Warbler; Chestnut-sided Warbler

  • urban wildlife pond.
  • north of El Grande and west of F Street in N. Davis.
  • some waterfowl and shorebirds; Common Moorhen.
  • best birds: Solitary Sandpiper; Ruff; Blue-winged Teal

  • manmade oxbow lake with concrete sides, wide variety of trees.
  • runs e-w through the s end of campus, visible from the "Davis Loop" road.
  • nesting Green Herons, occasionally migrants.
  • best birds: Northern Waterthrush, Bohemian Waxwing

  • community garden plots and sunflowers.
  • on campus s of Parking Lot 5 (and near the University Club), which is at the s end of A St, s of 1st St.
  • excellent in fall migration for songbirds, especially warblers; some rarities recorded here; don't bother going in spring and early summer.
  • best birds: Bobolink, Palm Warbler, Brewer's Sparrow, Clay-colored Sparrow

  • large residential park with lots of trees.
  • east of Tulip in E. Davis.
  • good for migrants and winter rarities.
  • best birds: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Clarke's Nutcracker; Gray Flycatcher

  • small riparian area behind Putah Creek Park in South Davis at the end of Willowbank Rd.
  • good for migrant songbirds, especially in the live oaks.

  • urban wildlife pond.
  • between Arlington, Lake, Covell, and Shasta in W. Davis; bird from the bike path that begins near the corner of Arlington and Shasta.
  • some waterfowl, marsh birds, and shorebirds. Hooded Merganser in winter.
  • best birds: all three phoebes at once!; Ash-throated Flycatcher in winter; Greater Scaup

  • garbage dump
  • birder access allowed during business hours; check in with office first for instructions about where to go.
  • gulls in winter, though in smaller numbers than the county landfill.
  • best bird: Glaucous Gull

  • river and riparian strip thick with willows and oaks.
  • park near the bridge of Railroad St at the s end of downtown Winters, descend to the river bed, best birding is upstream.
  • good spot for migrant songbirds and summer riparian species.

  • grassy hillside and young orchard
  • inside bend of Hwy 128 west of Winters; pull off and beware of fast traffic.
  • lots of sparrows and other birds in winter
  • best bird: Clay-colored Sparrow

  • large manmade lake with a few wooded islands.
  • access from Lake Solano Co. Park on Pleasants Valley Rd or along the s shore of the lake.
  • good in winter for ducks, including Barrow's Goldeneye and Hooded Merganser (upstream).
  • best birds: Red-necked Grebe, Red-breasted Merganser; Swamp Sparrow

  • riparian oaks and cottonwoods along a river.
  • well-marked parking areas along the s side of hwy 128 w of Lake Solano (w of Winters); they are numbered #1-#4 (and there's a fifth one) about 1/2-1 mile apart.
  • great migrant spots, varied habitat, with a history of rarer birds in the county (Winter Wren, Hairy Woodpecker, Rufous-cr Sparrow, Golden Eagle, Yellow-br. Chat).
  • best birds: Steller's Jay, Townsend's Solitaire, Chestnut-backed Chickadee

  • wild oak and chaparral canyon.
  • take hwy 128 w toward Lake Berryessa, park 100 yards after the road crosses to the s side of Putah Creek, the trail begins at the gate at the s-most curve in hwy 128. Note: this is Solano Co.
  • great for chaparral species and migrants.

  • large concrete dam between two cliffs, lake; small pond below dam.
  • on hwy 128 about 10 miles w of Winters.
  • good for swifts and Rock and Canyon wrens.
  • best birds: Snow Bunting; Red-throated Loon; Red-breasted Merganser; Black Swift

  • a wide river bed with gravel bars and some riparian vegetation (some the focus of restoration projects)
  • from the bridge, one can walk down under the bridge along the river; DANGER NOTE: in winter, the flow of Cache Creek can exceed the Sacramento River!
  • nice at dusk for Lesser Nighthawks; chapparal and migrant species also.
  • best birds: Red-breasted Merganser in June; nesting Spotted Sandpipers

    28. RD 89 AT CACHE CREEK
  • high bluff overlooking river and gravel beds.
  • turn north on Rd 89 from hwy 16; descent into the riverbed is possible.
  • good place for Bank Swallows and (at dusk) Lesser Nighthawks

  • rolling hills with pasture immitating shortgrass prairies;
  • Rds 16 and 90B are "longspur corner"; Rd 12A is also nice;
  • excellent in winter for prairie species such as longspurs, raptors of all kinds, Mountain Plover.
  • best birds: Chestnut-collared, McCown's, and Lapland Longspurs; Grasshopper Sparrow; Lark Bunting; Roadrunner

  • trees and orchards along a narrow creek;
  • from Esparto, take Rd 22 sw of town.
  • good for migrant songbirds.
  • best bird: Steller's Jay

  • oak canyons, steep creeks, chaparral.
  • from hwy 16 nw of Woodland, try roads 78A, 53, 57, and 41 (Sand Creek Rd). Some are closed in winter.
  • interesting all year round; Lawrence's Goldfinch possible.
  • best birds: Roadrunner; Sage Thrasher

  • oak canyons, steep creeks, chaparral, pond and lake.
  • continue up hwy 16 to the lower picnic area of Cache Creek Co. Park, take the dirt road over the river, it climbs through the canyon for about 5 miles, then descends to Davis Creek Res., or turn left at the summit half mile to Fiske Creek Lake (a pond). Closed in winter, 4WD needed in spring or after rains.
  • the premier spot for migrant songbirds (down lower) and chaparral species such as Sage Sparrow and Poorwill (at the summit).
  • best birds: Gray Flycatcher; Green-tailed Towhee; Black-chinned Sparrow; nesting Pileated Woodpecker; Band-tailed Pigeon; Roadrunner; Steller's Jay
    • CATTLE EGRET -among cattle along Rd 102, 103; Rd 103 Rookery; new rookery at west end of UC Davis Arboretum.

    • AMERICAN BITTERN -marshes with high tules; Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area; Davis Wetlands.

    • LEAST BITTERN -Rd 30 Marsh, at the east end of Rd 30.

    • WATERFOWL -Davis Sewage Ponds, Woodland Wastewater Ponds, Sugar Ponds, North and West Ponds, and Lake Solano and Putah Creek upstream from the lake, South Yolo Bypass.

    • BLUE-WINGED TEAL -Davis Wetlands; Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area.

    • HOODED MERGANSER -Lake Solano and upstream; West Pond in Davis.

    • BARROW'S GOLDENEYE -Lake Solano and upstream.

    • EURASIAN WIGEON -Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area; Davis Wetlands.

    • SWAINSON'S HAWK -anywhere on the valley floor; they nest within the cities of Davis and Woodland.

    • GOLDEN EAGLE -hills on either side of Capay Valley.

    • BALD EAGLE -Cache Creek below Rayhouse Road; Lake Berryessa in Lake County.

    • OSPREY -Lake Solano and Putah Creek near Winters.

    • SHOREBIRDS - best places are Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area and Trestle Ponds in spring migration and Davis Wetlands in fall migration; also Davis Wastewater Treatment Plant, Woodland Wastewater Treatment Plant, Sugar Ponds, Jail Pond, Model Airplane Park, North and West Ponds (all depending on water levels).

    • GOLDEN PLOVERS (both) -levees at Davis and Woodland Wastewater Treatment Plants (among Black-bellied Plovers).

    • MOUNTAIN PLOVER -fields around intersection of Rds 102 & 16 in winter; or Rds 101 & 17; or east of Zamora; look around and look hard, they are very difficult to spot, as they look like dirt clods-- but with longer legs! A scope is needed. Please report sightings to the Sac RBA at (916) 783-2331. They have also been seen elsewhere in the north county (Rds 16 and 87).

    • GULLS -Davis Wastewater Treatment Plant near the landfill; can be scoped from Rd 28H near Yolo Co. Landfill.

    • BARN OWL -anywhere, esp. Hawk/Owl Reserve and in Davis city.

    • LONG-EARED OWL -rare in winter along Sacramento Bypass and train track west of River Road between I-5 and I-80; also around Davis Wastewater Treatment Plant.

    • SHORT-EARED OWL -Hawk/Owl Reserve; Rds 104 and 27; Longspur Corner.

    • WESTERN SCREECH-OWL -in wooded canyons; lower Rayhouse Road; Putah Creek west of UC Davis; sometimes within Davis.

    • NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL -Rd 41 and Rayhouse Rd in Capay Valley; Cold Canyon Preserve.

    • COMMON POORWILL -top of Rayhouse Road.

    • LESSER NIGHTHAWK -along Cache Creek from lower Capay Valley to Woodland; from Rd 89 or Rd 94B bridge at dusk.

    • LEWIS' WOODPECKER -erratic in Capay Valley and western hills in fall or winter.

    • HAIRY WOODPECKER -uncommon at Fishing Accesses.

    • BANK SWALLOW -in south bank of Cache Creek, just downstream from Rd 89 and downstream from 505 freeway; regular at Davis Wetlands in fall.

    • YELLOW-BILLED MAGPIE -anywhere and everywhere.

    • MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD -erratic; e.side of hwy 45 3.5-4.0 miles nw of Knight's Landing, in winter. Also, west end of Rd 29.

    • CALIFORNIA THRASHER -Capay Valley hills (especially Rd 41); Rd 89 at Cache Creek.

    • WINTER WREN -possible at Fishing Access #2 or #4 in winter.

    • CANYON & ROCK WRENS -Monticello Dam, Capay Valley side roads; Rock Wren is reliable on the valley floor in winter among rip-rap levee boulders, large wood piles, or even farm equipment-- or Buckeye Creek off Rd 2.

    • DIPPER -possible under hwy 128 bridge below Monticello Dam in winter; Cache Creek Canyon in fall and winter.

    • PHAINOPEPLA -across from Lake Solano campground.

    • YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT -rare but possible in spring/summer at Fishing Accesses.

    • LAZULI BUNTING -Rayhouse Road; Cache Creek Settling Basin; Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area.

    • BLUE GROSBEAK -any weedy fields in or within a mile of the Yolo Bypass; abundant in Cache Creek Settling Basin; Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, especially near the levee, is a sure spot; Davis Wastewater Treatment Plant.

    • VESPER SPARROW -inside bend of hwy 128 a few miles west of Winters, in the young orchard, in winter; please report them if you see them; beware of Savannah and other sparrows mixed in.

    • SAGE SPARROW -top of Rayhouse Road; top of Rd 41 north of Rumsey.

    • RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW -across from Fishing Accesses, downstream from Monticello Dam, and about one mile up Rayhouse Road.

    • LAWRENCE'S GOLDFINCH - any side roads in Capay Valley, such as 78A and others, and Rayhouse Road near Fiske Lake or Davis Creek Res. It's easiest if you know their call.

    • YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD - Davis Wetlands at Pond 7; Old Woodland Sewage Ponds; Catfish Ponds; Trestle Ponds in spring; Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area in winter in mixed blackbird flocks.

    • TRICOLORED BLACKBIRD - may nest in fields near Rd 27 and I-505; recently nested at Conoway brood pond at Rds 103 & 25; Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area in winter in mixed blackbird flocks.

    • MIGRANT FLYCATCHERS, VIREOS, WARBLERS -Wood Duck Ponds, Grasslands Reg. Park, Solano Park Garden (fall only), Putah Creek/Winters Bridge, Fishing Accesses, Rayhouse Road-- all in late Apr to early June, late Aug-early Oct.

    All three of Yolo County's Brewer's Sparrows have been found since 1996. All were in nondescript weedy locations with other sparrows. (Photo by Don DesJardin, copyright 1999). What will Yolo's next new bird be?