Once upon a time in the land of make believe there lived a little child named Soapy. Soapy was only one of the children that lived in the land of playtime. There were many other kids in the village. Soapy had many brothers and sisters, some were older and some were younger and all of them loved Soapy very much.

      Soapy was a little different than the other kids in the village. When it was time to come in to eat or go to bed, Soapy would go to the bathroom and wash up nice and clean every time without being asked to do so. Being the cleanest kid in the village didn't make every one happy. Some of his friends would not go into the house when their mothers called them and they did not want to wash up, even a little.

      Soapy knew a secret about being clean and was determined to tell them about it. This called for a plan because kids played hard and had a lot of fun in the yard and didn't want to stop and listen. Soapy discovered the secret a long time ago when his mother told all the kids, "If you wash up nice and clean before lunch I'll give you a treat". So Soapy went into the bathroom and cleaned up so good the other kids were laughing out loud. But this made his mother very happy and after lunch, Soapy was the only one to get a treat. This made the other kids unhappy because they wanted a treat also. From that time on whenever it was time to clean up, Soapy was the first in the sink to wash and sometimes the only one to wash.

      Soon the other kids in the house got the idea and started to wash their hands and faces without being told to do so. They also learned that just because you washed up it didn't always mean that you would get a treat. Sometimes mom didn't have any treats to give out but it sure made her happy and she would give all of the kid's big hugs and tell them how happy they have made her. The kids were happy when they saw their mother smiling at them

.       How was Soapy going to teach his friends about washing up at lunchtime? A plan was needed and this was it. Soapy waited for a hot day and asked Mom if the kids could play in the lawn sprinkler and could they have some soap? Mom said yes and she turned the hose on to make the sprinkler run. Soapy said to the other kids, "I have a game to play". Everyone gathered around to hear about the game. "The first thing we do is to run under the water and get wet then take the soap and see who can make the most suds and bubbles on themselves. The one that looks the most like a snowman wins". The kids thought that this would be a lot of fun and they started to run under the water. Then they began to put the soap on and soon they looked like a yard full of snowmen running and playing in the summer time. It was a funny thing to see. It was a good thing that mom gave them a bottle of baby shampoo so that no one hurt their eyes.

      The little snowmen sure got clean and when it was time for lunch they rinsed the soap off, dried themselves and went into the house. Their mom was so happy to see them clean she said, "Oh boy, I am so happy to see all of you so clean that I am going to make a treat for you". One of the kids said, "Mom, if we get clean all of the time will you give us a treat"? Her reply was, "I may not always have treats for you but I will always have plenty of hugs and kisses and tickles and smiles and fun". Mom also told them they can't always wash up outside but they can wash up in the house.

      Soapy was very happy now that some of the other kids had also learned the secret of sparkling clean smiles.

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