Registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 of India

Reg. No. 34693 of 1999

Indian Network for Soil Contamination Research was established as a registered society in India in April, 1999.  It is a body of researchers and other professionals who have devoted their careers in scientific research related to the problems associated with pollution in the soil environment and its remediation.

INSCR is proud to have organised an international conference on the subject in New Delhi during December, 1999 soon after its establishment jointly with 'Soil Contamination Research in Asia Pacific--SCRAP' based in Adelaide, Australia.

Since its inception, INSCR has organised three conferences, including the one in December, 1999.  The other two were held in Lucknow (Feb. 2002) and Patiala (Feb. 2003).  More than 200 scientists working in various laboratories and academic institutions in India have been associated with INSCR as a member.

INSCR welcomes all eligible persons having interest in soil contamination related issues and in promoting the aims and objectives of INSCR to join as 'Life Members'.

Application form for obtaining INSCR membership is available on-line.

Aims and Objects of INSCR

                            Founding Members of INSCR

                                                       Life Members of INSCR

                                                                           Members of INSCR (1999 -2K)

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To contact us:

Phone: +91 11 2331 6751
Fax: +91 11 2373 9041

Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Secretary
Indian Network for Soil Contamination Research
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Rafi Marg
New Delhi 110001