Earth and Spirit particularly and dramatically illustrates the mission of IMAGO. IMAGO seeks to learn how we would live if we held the Earth and its people as sacred and as our most important priority. We are totally interconnected with the Earth, a species of the Earth, and need to become conscious of this reality, learning how to live within this web of life as a partner. The human species has a special role. Through its consciousness it is influencing the web of life on all parts of the planet. Humans need to relate to the rest of the planet in such a way that it supports all children of all species for all times. It is in this connectedness we find spirit. It is in this connectedness we find the sacred.
In our effort to reconnect, our Earth and Spirit committee is focusing on the following areas:
· Rituals and Celebrations
· Workshops and Presentations
· Eco-Eldering/Spiritual Eldering
· Transitional Eco-Counseling
· Eco-Spirituality in the Eco-Neighborhood
· "EarthSpirit Rising, a Conference on Ecology, Spirituality
and the Great Work" to be held the weekend of June 15-17, 2001.
Rituals and Celebrations - We hold rituals and celebrations that
connect Earth and Spirit.
We have Seasonal Celebrations around the Winter and Summer Solstice
and Fall and Spring Equinox in collaboration with EarthConnection.
A Sunday celebration is held in the beautiful wooded ecosystem behind
the IMAGO office.
We go to churches and other groups that want to experience earth-centered
rituals and celebrations and lead them in experiencing this type of connectedness
with the Earth.
Some type of celebration or ritual should be part of all IMAGO events.
This group will be available to provide this support.
Workshops and Presentations - We conduct workshops and
presentations to deepen our sense of interconnectedness with the Earth.
We hold eight to ten workshops each year and do eight to ten presentations
that relate to one of the Earth and Spirit areas - rituals and celebrations,
eco-counseling, Eco and Spiritual Eldering™.
Eco-Eldering/Spiritual Eldering™ - Elders are an untapped resource
in bringing the culture more in tune with the Earth. They have skills
and wisdom and many of them have the time to share with others in the culture
about the sacredness and wonder of the Earth.
A committee of elders is working to involve other elders in this task.
We will be presenting the concept to over 1000 elders per year.
We plan to hold a conference for 300, have 10 small group leaders trained
and have 15 small support groups.
Transitional Eco-Counseling - Many people are in transition,
trying to find meaning in their lives. In being assisted in connecting
with the sacredness of the Earth they are frequently able to find a center
from which to seek a purposeful life.
Some six to twelve people are presently assisted per year. This
number may grow as more counselors become interested in sharing their skills
in offering eco-counseling.
"Earthspirit Rising, a Conference on Ecology, Spirituality
and The Great Work"- June 15-17, 2001.
This conference will honor the work of Thomas Berry. Presently
our keynote speakers include: Brian Swimme, Matt Fox, Miriam Therese
MacGillas, Connie Barlow, Paul Winter, John Seed and Ruth Rosenhek.
See our separate website around this conference.
Eco-Neighborhood - We will work within the Eco-Neighborhood project
to assist the churches and other groups to become involved in the spirituality
of creation, and share it with the neighborhood. This will provide
an underpinning for the neighborhood as it revitalizes itself around its
ecological assets.