No words can give this meaning
No tears enough to cry
No time enough to heal these wounds
No option but to try
To the emergency services -
your heroism will never be forgotten
To those who wait, not knowing, I wish you
hope & strength

To those who mourn a loss,
I wish you comfort and a hand to hold in the dark


To all the injured, a fast and full recovery .. and to those
who are simply trying to
comprehend the enormity
of this disaster, and somehow
find a way to cope with the
I wish you all the courage you need
to deal with this, the knowledge that
you are not alone, and the quiet reassurance
that freedom will prevail..and I ask you to look
at Lady Liberty a moment... She stands as she
always has....strong and proud against the sky.

To the terrorists and their supporters :

You failed. Your attempt to weaken the power of democracy and freedom has backfired and resulted in a renewed strength. The free world unites in condemnation.
Nations, races, individuals, whose relationships were tenuous at best have come together in support and solidarity. Your plan to shake the foundation of liberty has brought the world together to keep her strong.


The photographs used on this page are from Reuters and Associated Press News Agencies. CopyrightŠ 2001 held by the individual photgraphers credited on each image. Our grateful thanks go to these people, who risk their lives to bring us information. Page Design & Liberty composite by Koalaghost Design/Imaginattic WebWorks.
