Main Info


Plato's Projects

Welcome, one and all, to 'Plato's Projects' a site where we take the works of classical and modern philosophers, such as Plato, and attempt to urbanize them. Thus, we have given birth to the ghetto ebonics version of these philosophical works. We hope you'll enjoy it here and refer us to your friends, because we cannot spread the love without the word of mouth (unless you're Kyle's mom).

Oh, another thing. Since I don't have anyone really helping me on this, I don't mind if you people submit your own. I really want to keep this site up and interesting, and it won't be with only one ghettoized dialogue. So yeah. Help meeee!

Layout Information

I used da power of God, yo. Actually, I didn't. This brilliant design was created in Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Allaire's Homesite, and Notepad. The pictures I used were from a random Google search under "Plato". The fonts are of the Verdana family.

This has been tested in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and Mozilla's Firefox; however, it looks so much better in IE. But I know there are you elitist bastards out there that refuse to use that program so I guess I'll have to get over it. But I'm telling you..Firefox bastardizes CSS and pretty HTML codes. Well, actually, the left sidebar looks like crap in Firefox, and I have no idea how to fix it. Firefox alludes me as a webdesigner at the moment, but I could care less.


18.Nov.2005: Worked on bio site and general information. Hope to launch soon!
11.Nov.2005: Created index, bio, and objective sites.
08.Nov.2005: Created website layout.

Other Shits

If you ever need a word translated, first try If at first you don't succeed, try