Now just why, in the name of all things cool and neat, would any otherwise sane and rational person ever want to put their diary on the intermuck, where it can be read by any idiot who has figured out how to install Netscrape Navelgazer or Microshaft Exploiter onto their MuckinTrash or their Problem Child and then sign up for an account with their friendly neighborhood Intermuck Service Pretender? Well, I suppose part of the reason is that rather few people have ever accused me of being sane and rational. Another part of the reason is that I think it's fun telling all sorts of lies about myself. And then there's the exhibitionist factor, the on-line equivalent of running down the street stark naked. Or maybe I can occasionally sneak in one of my political or religious opinions, not that I'm ever going to convert anybody, you understand.

Some diaries are in-depth soul-baring exercises in personal catharsis. Other diaries are detailed accounts of daily activities. Still others are attempts to be funny, instructive, erotic, cruel, obscene, or whatever. My diary is probably none of those things. It's just a thought of the day, or a brief description of something I think somebody might have fun reading. I suppose that most of my entries will probably be rather short. Sorry about that, all you folks who think I oughta write a lengthy treatise every day. You're certainly not gonna find out enough about me to know what I'm really like in person, and by the same token, when I read other people's diaries I assume they're not telling everything either.

When you publish your diary on the Weird Wild Web, you gotta realize that some people who read it are gonna be the nicest folks you'll ever meet anywhere, and others are gonna be the strangest of the strange. So far, all people who have corresponded to me about my diary, via e-mail, guest book, or opinion forum, have been wonderfully nice folks. Now, would I ever want to meet any of my regular readers in person? Well, maybe. It depends upon the circumstances. Since I'm happily married, I'd naturally prefer such a meeting to be with my reader's whole family or significant whoever and my whole family. Or perhaps we could meet during some activity we both would participate in anyhow, such as a church activity or a bike rally. In any case, I'm certainly not up to traipsing off on a tryst.

This diary was started on December 23, 1999 with the intention of keeping the latest 32 entries all on one page. That format began to feel a bit restrictive, so on June 14, 2000, I began a move over to Diary Land, where each entry has its own page. Then on March 9, 2001, I signed up for the special Diary Land Gold Membership, which for little more than the price of a bottle of decent Scotch, provides a year's supply of five motobykes of Image Storage, so I can decorate up the diary and include photos without needing to resort to the detestable practice of Remote Hosting.

I suppose I will probably continue keeping only the latest 32 entries and trashing the older stuff, so you're gonna hafta keep visiting me sorta often if you don't want to miss out on any of my senseless drivel. Why 32 entries? Because 32 is a magic number. I don't know why 32 is a magic number. My very own wife says 32 is a magic number and she knows all about magic numbers. And that settles it!

Yes folks, my demented diary has moved over to Diary Land. But hey there, all you regular readers, no need to change your links to me! This page is gonna stay right here. From this day henceforth, all ya gotta do is click on

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