The simple act of planting a tree is a powerful environmental
action that anyone can take to improve the quality of life in their community.
Learn about trees-how to choose the right tree for
the right place, how to plant it right, and how to give it the right kind
of care.
Share your knowledge about the benefits of healthy
community forests and your enthusiasm for improving your nighborhood.
Find places that need trees. Look around your home,
in your community's parks and public open spaces, along your community's
streets, in public or private woodlands, or near wetlands, rivers or lakes.
Plant a tree. Give it love and care and it will return
the favor by providing benefits to you and your community.
Take care of the trees and other plants within your
local community forest ecosystem. Stronger, healthier plants will take
better care of us.
What do trees do for you?
Trees enrich our lives by providing enviromental,
economic psychological and aesthetic benefits.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release life-giving
oxygen throuth photosynthesis.
Trees enhance air quality by trapping particulate
pollutants in the atmosphere.
Trees reduce noise pollution absorbing sounds.
Trees help us conserve energy by buffering
us from bitter winter winds and shading us from scorching
summer sun.
Trees lower temperatures throuth evapo-transpiration
in their leaves.
Trees cool the "urban heat islands" of our cities.
Trees prevent erosion and protect our watersheds
by stabilizing the soil.
Trees increase the biological diversity of our orban
and community forest ecosystems.
Trees provide food and shelter for birds and other
Trees increase residential and commercial property
Trees give character to commercial districts, which
encourages economic growth.
Trees viewed from hospital rooms improve the recovery
time of patients.
Trees screen harsh views and define outdoor spaces.
Trees add color and texture, thereby beautifying
our landscapes and streetscapes.
Trees make cities more livable by creating a more
human scale.
Tree planting and care projects bring neighbors together,
build partnerships, and create community pride.
Trees are legacies we can leave for future generations.
Planting and caring for the trees in our community
forests can revive our spirits through personal empowerment.